
Breastfeeding with clogged ducts?

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I had a beautiful baby boy 2 weeks ago and have been breastfeeding, but my right breast is clogged and is hurting extremely bad. I keep trying to massage the clogs out, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas of what can help?




  1. try to feed him on that side only for the next feeding, use a breast pump if you have one, take a hot shower and try to express some milk out...They hurt so bad...but my baby can take care of them when I get one so I would try that....

  2. try feeding your baby in different positions ie football hold, etc. and take motrin till the pain eases or the clog disappears

  3. hi, i had that and it hurt like h**l. and they were so uncomfortable in the bra. my nurse told me that if i fed the baby regularly they would become loose and free but no they didnt so i wore the "avent shells" inside my bra to ease the pressure and swelling and pain and they kind of worked cos when i used have a look at them and check some milk would have expelled and then i could feed baby feeling a bit more comfortable. and check u dont have mastitis, if theres like a red sore spot on the area of discomfort then go and get it checked out.

  4. Ice packs! I had this problem with all three of my kids, and it eventually made it so that I had to stop breastfeeding altogether because the pain got so bad, but I stuck it out as long as I could, as I am assuming that is what you are trying to do.. Use the ice packs and massage them.  

  5. I just got over one. Everyone suggested taking hot hot hot hot hot showers...stand with the clogged side under the hot water as long as you can stand it and try to literally massage and push the clogged ducts out towards your nipple. Another great (and crazy idea) a mom gave me was to soak a diaper in hot water, squeeze it out and wear it around the house in the cup of a nursing bra...take it out right before you nurse...I think I had like 3 clogged ducts but they were all gone within 3 days by doing these...I nursed on the clogged side first and offered the breast to our son every hour on the hour (he's 11 months old). Best of luck! If it gets worse, call and tell your doctor or your son's pedi and get their suggestions (you may need some kind of medical help or medication).  

  6. A warm rag, warm shower or heating pad, keep feeding or expressing. you don't want them engorged on top of being clogged, if you can actually see red stripes on your b***s then go to the doctor the clog may have turned into an infection.

    I recommend lanolin for all nursing mothers BTW. it made the most amazing while they were infected, sore, cracked, etc.

    Ice slows the milk, so do cabbage leaves and that is not what you want to do here you want to unclog it. If you had a clogged hose, pipe, or even ketchup jar- you warm it up and push the clog out- metephorically speaking of course- it would be sucked out and the baby can do it.

  7. Go to the doctor.

  8. i just had this 2 Weeks ago. I put a heating pad on and massaged like crazy. the part that hurts the most on your breast try to get the babies chin in that spot cuz that's where the most suction comes from. also don't flip out it something that looks like a black head or zit comes out. it is pretty gross but that is what the clog looks like.

  9. It sounds like you have mastitis = you will need antibiotics for this. In the meantime - continue to feed from that breast and if your baby feels like he is not emptying the breast then pump. Use wet warm towels on your breast to help the flow during feedings and motrin to decrease the swelling.

    If it is a clogged milk duct then it may turn into mastitis if not treated soon.

    For a clogged milk duct you can apply ice bag (frozen veg.) 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes after feeding. Cabbage leaves are for engorgment and can only been used 2-3 times a day 10 minutes and only for about 2 days. Any longer can lead to decreasing milk supple. When your son is nursing massage the breast in the area of the milk duct , you have to press massage hard.

    Get sleep and fluids as well. Very important.

    Here is a website that talks about both clogged milk duct and mastitis.

  10. A really hot shower can help. I think I have always heard caggabe leaves stuffed in your bra. Good luck

  11. This happened to me when my son was about six weeks old.  The pain was so bad I remember thinking that I'd gladly go through labor again instead of having to go through that, at least my labor was over quicker!  Thankfully, my doctor's office had given me a leaflet from La Leche League about different breastfeeding issues and one happened to be about clogged ducts.  What I did was, about 10 minutes before I would nurse my son, I would get a washcloth and wet it with water as warm as I could stand and gently massage my breast with it.  Then I would start my son on that breast every nursing session.  I actually started crying a couple of times while nursing because it hurt so bad but I trucked through it and it got 100% better within 24-36 hours.  Please don't think about quitting, it will only end up getting worse if you do.  Frequent nursing is definitely one of the things that will make it clear up quicker.  Here's some reading for you:

  12. The second answerer is correct. You need to apply cold while you are not nursing to reduce the swelling. If you were just engorged, warm would okay, because it helps with the let down. Cold in between feedings and warm right before or during. Also, massage from the armpit to the center of the breast right before feeding. You also need to be sure to try different positions if at all possible with that breast. I hope it gets better soon :(

    Obviously, the people giving me thumbs down don't know what they are talking about. I received this information from a highly respected lactation consultant. And it DOES help. *Pif*

  13. Try soaking in a warm bath.  Look at your nipple either during or after and see if you find a small white spot or bump on the side of the nipple closest to the clog.  If you do, try to either pull it out or pop it (I had to use a sterilized straight pin).  Once that spot (the clog) is opened, try expressing.  This worked fine for me.  It's really important that you unclog it as soon as possible, as others have said, to avoid mastitis.

    This tip was given to me by the lady who taught my breastfeeding class.

  14. You don't want that clogged duct to turn into mastitis - trust me - I've had that about 5 times. There are lots of reasons to get clogged ducts but most commonly baby is not emptying you out at every feeding or your not feeding often enough. Feed baby every 1 1/2 to 2 hrs - gently wake him up if you need to by taking off his clothes and changing his diaper. You can't massage the clogs out - getting the milk moving is the only solution. Apply hot compresses or take hot showers before feeding and start using a pump in between feedings to ensure that your milk has emptied. I recommend a hospital grade or electric Ameda - many other pumps don't all work very well for everyone. If you begin to experience horrendous fever and chills - see your doctor because you probably got mastitis.

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