
Breastmilk vs formula in this situation...your opinion please?

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I have always struggled with my milk supply and the doc has prescribed domperidone. I have done my own research and there are no studies on the effect of the drug on the nursing infant although it is known that it is present in the milk

So what do you think would be better.... formula or breast milk containing a drug with possible side effects

I've already made my choice so I'm not looking for advice... just curious on your opinions




  1. i am personnally a big fan of breastmilk . and there are naturals ways to increase your milk supply like drinking lots of water and milk, facing the water ( HOT OR MILD) while showering (this one is very good) and some other things like food and whatnot . but if despite all of that you still can t get the breastmilk and you had to use medecine that might have sides  effects please just go with the  formula . i would say you have tried enough , if it aint there, then it is not . i ve know of a couple who with all of their 3 kids mom couldnt get anything out . so they had to go with formula . good luck .

  2. well i would opt for formula since i wouldnt have to put a drug in it...

    Side effects scare me, and to have it in a milk supply, just dosnt seem like a worth it risk to me.

    Look at all the breastfeeders go on the thumbs down lol.

    Wow, you guys are almost as bad as racists.

  3. I belive in breastmilk but if faced with a situation like you been presented i think I would choose formula. Its better to give your baby something thats good for them without the side effects. Bless you and your baby.

  4. I would have asked the doc about that.I would have asked about the drug he prescribed and then like you said--gone and done my own research. Obviously, if it would harm the infant during breastfeeding...he would not prescribe it.

    Breastmilk is the healthiest way to go hands down. Formula is fine too. Either way your baby will getting the nutrition he/she needs its just that breast milk is healthier.

    Good luck.

  5. I'd say least there are no side effects.

  6. In my heartfelt opinion, I would choose formula over drug-laden breast milk. I've been in that situation. I gave formula until I could pump out the tainted breastmilk.

  7. Any trace of the drug in your milk would be very, very minimal.  Breast milk is always best - the potential harm caused by formula is much worse than a small minuscule trace of the drug in your milk.

    I know you said you made your decision - check out this link in case you want to read more about it.

    Best wishes!

  8. I would nurse....the drug is safe to take, it is rated an L1

  9. I would normally say breastmilk, however, I think in your situation, you will probably feel better giving her the formula instead. I am sure if the doctor has prescribed it, then it is fine. But to ease my mind, I would probably choose formula. Try not to be hard on yourself if you do choose formula.

  10. Brest milk containing thed drug...  a lot of women nurse and take this drug...  Have a nurse in, try to nurse more frequently..  Your body naturally adjusts to supply and demand...  Are you certain you aren't making enough milk??  I thought that b/c of pumping, but in all actuality I was fine! :-)

  11. I would go with the formula. Who knows what that drug can do to your body and your baby! I think the formula will be a better choice! Good Luck.

  12. i know you have made your decision but have you considered herbal remedies? they are often quite helpful. I personally tried using a drug to boost my supple before giving up breastfeeding but it was not what you have been offered. i think it was called maxilon and it worked wonders my b***s exploded, but it turned out to be my bubs problems with not wanting to drink from the breast so i switched. WORST desicion i could have made as my bub turned out to have milk intolerance which went undiagnosed for eight months and his life was a living h**l!!!!

  13. There is no 'research' because it is not ethical to do controlled research studies on nursing mothers.  This does not mean that there is any evidence of harm.

    Dropmperidone is approved by the AAP for use in nursing moms, and is rated L1 for breastfeeding -- as safe as it gets.  It's unquestionably safer to take the drug and nurse than to wean to formula  -- which has many, significant KNOWN risks.

  14. I was told at a breastfeeding workshop by a lactation consultant not to be too hung up on drugs in breast milk as they don't contaminate your supply in the same way they end up in the bloodstream. She was adamant that the benefits of breast feeding far outweigh any *possible* effects on the baby of trace amounts of prescription drugs in your milk.

    e.g. the pain relief prescribed after a c-section isn't officially 'allowed' when breast feeding as it is usually codeine based but being in pain, stressed and therefore not relaxed interferes with breast feeding more than the medication affects your baby.

    If your Dr says it is safe (presumably by prescribing it they feel it is safe?), I would go with it.  

  15. i don't know where you live but apparently the FDA does not think it is safe for nursing women, this is what i found

    i usually think breastmilk is best BUT if it were me i would be too nervous about the drug if you don't even know if there are side effects...

    edit: HOWEVER, check this out, i also found this from searching the AAP website and has some interesting information about WHY FDA does not approve it and how it may be politically motivated.

    and come to think of it i did nurse after my c-section while taking pain medication so i think i have changed my mind, i would nurse...

  16. Well, for me personally, the benefits of breastfeeding would outweigh the possible side effects of the drug . . . especially since there are no known effects of the drug in breast milk and there are proven risks to formula feeding.

    Just my take.  Good luck with whatever you decide.

  17. I was prescribed Domperidone for re-lactating and have been taking it (and breast feeding) for about six months. I did extensive research on the topic and everything that I have found shows that any ill effects are from babies taking Domperidone directly (not through Mom's breast milk). Even those side effects mentioned were minimal and not life threatening. Domperidone is classified as a drug safe for breast feeding Moms. Domperidone is actually the first choice for most prescribers, over Reglan which has more side effects.

    So in my opinion, breast feeding while on Domperidone is a better option then formula. However, this has to be a personal choice.

    Edit: BaBa Booey...I read that as well. If you research it further you will find that it is strictly political. Actually Domperidone is not available at all in the US (I drive to Canada to fill my prescription)...though it has been approved in all other nations. Pretty sketchy if you ask me!

    ( and I are on the same page now)

  18. I have always struggled with my milk supply too, but Domperidome is not approved in the US, so it was not an option for me.  Have you tried natural herbs like Fenugreek or Blessed Thistle?  Also remember that it doesn't have to be one or the other.  Can you nurse and supplement with formula?  Some breastmilk is better than none at all.  That's what I do.  I nurse when I'm home and supplement with formula when away.

    ADDED:  Sorry, just re-read the question and you're looking for my opinion, not advice...yes, I would take Domperidone if it were approved in the US.  


  19. I would not breastfeed if I were taking any medication whatsoever. And, although there have been no known side effects I still wouldnt chance it.

    As bad as you want to breastfeed, I would not. There is nothing wrong with Formula whatsoever. It has tremendous nutritional value, and if it did not they would not sell it,they would make everyone breasfeed.

    Hope this helps! Good luck,and May God bles you and you lil one!!!

  20. i am currently breastfeeding and on a prescription medication.  It says on its bottle not to use while breastfeeding, but that is because the company is saving their butts and  they don't test on pregnant women.  But Several doctors, lactation consulatants told me it was fine.  I have seen no adverse effects in my son.  Having said that...if it makes you that nervous formula may be the way to go

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