
b*****s after weaning? plus a couple other questions?

by Guest33866  |  earlier

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what do your b*****s look like after weaning?

do they shrink or stay larger than b4 breastfeeding?

how do y ou know when to wean??

do any of you breastfeed and formula feed at the same time?




  1. Well I breastfed for about 7 months. I am sad to say that my breast did shrink & are a little more saggy. I weaned because I started back to work. I don't know if there is a certain time to wean, every mother & baby are different. You should wean when you are ready. I did supplement from time to time with formula, but only when I was in public I didn't really feel comfortable doing it in public. Be careful not to supplement to often though or your supply will drop.

  2. I had no choice to breastfeed and formula feed as I never produced enough milk, and my poor baby starved for the first four weeks of her life. I  let her feed on both b*****s for 20 minutes then topped her up with  formula.

    If you want to wean you can cut out one breast feed a day and replace it with formula and gradually keep cutting it out. If you do it drastically you will be in a lot of pain. Breast feeding is all about supply and demand. So if you cut out one feed, your b*****s will gradually start producing less milk.

    When you wean is up to you and your baby. My baby self weaned as she knew that the bottle was coming after and would scream and fuss every time she was put to the breast. It's recommended you breast feed for as long as you can as it's obviously better for your baby.  

    As to what your b*****s look like after, everyone is different. Mine look nearly the same, maybe a bit bigger but I still am carrying more weight than I was before baby so I'll have to get back to you on that one. After talking to my friends, many have gotten smaller and some stayed the same.

    Hope that is helpful!

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