
Breathing pattern?

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is it better to breathe every three or four strokes while doing freestyle, during swim practice? my friends say that breathing every three is better because it is more balanced out and better for the shoulders. But i usually breathe every four, and am used to it, so im not really sure whether i should switch or not?




  1. try it before you judge it

  2. every three seems more balanced, but honestly I couldnt do it... I breathe every 4. My sis is really good at it. At this point, stick to what you know to get better on it all  K

  3. Every three is better for you. If you breath every four you are only breathing to one side and that can strain your neck, also it gives you more air. When you have more air your muscles get more oxygen and they work better, and its sounds funny, but your mind will be clearer to. I know when i breath more i'm more consentrated and can swim faster cuz im not yearning for a breath. Not that one more stroke will kill you, but i swim distance and i can tell the difference.

    Thats another thing what do you swim, usually in practice? cuz if its a sprint stick to four or more strokes cuz you need to get there fast and picking your head up slows you down, but distance you need to breath.

    But its really up to you, what ever your comfortablt with, and what ever will make you faster.

  4. Personally, I breathe every other stroke. I'm a distance swimmer and while I know that it has made one side more built than the other, I find it extremely difficult to breathe on both sides. You need to consider what your goals in the swimming world are. You will get better if you switch to every third, but it will take a bit of time. First you will get slower while you learn, but eventually you will get faster. I am at the point where my swimming career is over in a few month (not swimming in college) and even though my coach has been harping at me for seven years to change my stroke, I haven't. Now, it's too late I won't let myself go out in a slow phase. If your young and you have a year to devote to this change then absolutely go for it. I WILL help to prevent should injuries, as well as back problems. It WILL make you faster, though not immediately. You must remember that even though you make the switch you cannot forget that your technique must be perfect throughout your switch. Don't allow yourself to make a change that is technically poor because it will equal something worse than you had before.

    Remember, talk to your coach. Even if you don't like your coach s/he will most likely have your best interest in mind. If your coach is inexperienced/poor still allow him/her to help you. You may need to be reminded to breathe every third during one of those painful sets that cause you to revert to old habits.

  5. I like breathing every four also, but I am constantly being told by coaches and friends to breath every 3 or 5 because it does balance you out more.  However, in races, I NEVER have a breathing pattern and I breathe when I need to (about 2 times a lap in a 50...) Try alternating, but if the four works better for you, just go with it

  6. ok, if you breathe to your left side other than your right (breathing every 3) you are DEFINITLY going to improve equal movement for body roll all around. If you are used to breathing on your right (breathing every 4) than i think you should stick with that but progressivly- maybe every other lap- try to breath every 3- i promise it will help! My coach made me because he said it would fix my breathing and hand position and rolling! All three! And it sure did- once I got the hang of it. I say you should at least give it a try.

    Lotsa Luck


  7. Ask your coach and do what he/she says.  I think that breathing four might be more if you don't kick very much and if you kick a lot then 2's might be better.  But once again, ask your coach.

  8. The arm opposite the side you are breathing on does  significantly more work -- you are essentially *leaning* on it whenever you breathe. If you only breathe on one side, one arm and shoulder WILL get stressed more than the other.

    You don't HAVE to breath every 3 in order to keep balanced. If breathing every 3 is a problem for you, just breath every 4 on the "off" side. To get used to it, pick at least one set per day where you breath on one side going down and on the other side going back. The awkwardness will subside when your stroke (and strength) is balanced.
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