
Breathing while running cross-country track...?

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I just started running track. I want to know how to breath the right way so I don't lose my breath so easily...




  1. Take deep breaths--that's key.

    For an easy run, a good way to determine a good pace for you, is to run so that you can still carry on a conversation. (But if you have enough breath to sing, you're going tooooo easy. lol).

    Don't obsess about it too much, and it will come naturally :)

  2. breath the way that feels right. when you get tired or are out of breath breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. also dont breath fast take slow deep breaths that way when you take a breath you get more air. try it breath in fast then breath in slowly. hope it help =) good luck running!

  3. breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. don't take short raspy breaths but inhale and exhale as long as you can

  4. Try to take, big deep, even breaths thought your mouth. Avoid panting or taking short shallow breaths. I like to slowly count 1-2 while I breath in and 3-4 while I breath out. Get a steady rhythm going and you will get more air. Practice while you are falling asleep or something so you can get a feel for what a "good breath" feels like before you race. At the start it should be easy to breath but as you know, when you get towards the end your really need to focus on not taking shallow breaths.

    If this doesn't help, look at these links:,71...,71...,71...

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