
Breech Baby? Anyone ever had a version done to turn the baby?

by Guest44569  |  earlier

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I'm 32 weeks pregnant and my baby is breech. Has anyone ever had a version, where they turn the baby to a head down position? I'm a little unsure of having that done. Anyone been successful with it?




  1. My baby is breech right now too  and my doctor has already talked about if he had to to a version he would do it at 37 weeks.

    He did a version on my friends baby and it was very successful. No complications and he was born naturally near his due date.

    The risk involved is emergency c-section. But if they dont do  the a version then I would be having a c-section anyway.  So I am absolutely willing for them to try to turn my baby if she doesnt on her own.

    I dont want a c-section!

    Good luck to you

  2. i had this done at 39weeks and it is very painful they tried for 10 min then decided the baby was to big and i had to have a c-section, if i was in this situation i wouldn't do it again.

    you could try some movements like going on all 4s and rocking up and down and side to side i was told this by a midwife but my baby was just to big to move round. hope all goes well  

  3. My son was breech and I had a version at 36 weeks.  I went to the hospital in case there were problems with the procedure and they needed to deliver the baby immediately.  I sat around for a long time (you always do at the hospital).  Finally, the doctor came in and I was given intravenous Fentynal.  It made me totally out of it, like I was floating and not really there in the room.  The doctor pressed really hard on my belly in numerous places and was able to turn the baby very quickly, less than 60 seconds.  However, my baby's heartrate dropped and would not come back up for almost 5 min.  They even brought all of the OR staff in to prep me for an emergency C-section.  I only sort of remember this because of the Fentynal.  His heartrate came up a few min later though.  We went to have an ultrasound and he was in the correct position.  He stayed that way too... all the way until 42 weeks, at which point, I ended up with a C-section anyways.  The version wasn't too bad though.  It did leave huge bruises on my belly so it must have hurt... I just couldn't tell because of the drugs.

    I reccommend it, but it isn't a guaranteed fix, and there are risks.  The C-section wasn't so bad either.  In the end, the most important thing is a healthy baby.

  4. <-- he was breach until 29 weeks and turned on his own! It's not too late for her to turn; you still have 8 weeks left!

    I heard that it's EXTREMELY painful when you have the Doctor try to turn the baby... it's also very stressful for the baby.

    Just hang in there and release it to God; ask him to turn your baby: nothing is out of his control =]

  5. My last visit to midwife enlightened me my little one also breech......32 weeks. Has plenty time to turn.....don't panic!!! This is my first. Fingers crossed and good luck.

  6. You still have 2 months to go.  There is plenty of time for baby to turn.   This site talks a lot about positioning and shows some exercises to do to help baby get turned around.  It's worth a try!  Good luck.  

  7. I only know that the baby drs's near us will rather do a cesarian section it's safer for you and the baby.

  8. Hey! I'm 37 weeks and just had a last minute ultrasound bc they wanted to double check the babies weight bc i have been real real sick the entire pregnancy....well this news of a breech baby came as a shocker! I thought for sure id been havn kicks to the ribs...but nooope! it was her head! Anywho...C section was something i was already thinking about doing electively bc this baby has alreay been through so much with me vommiting up til this point. lol...i still havn nausia and im due in 2 weeks! lol. so ya about the lil girl is breech...they said it is possible for her to turn...but very unlikely. So i said lets plan the c section then. Like all the other responses to this question...i have heard that yes it is very painful to have the baby turnd....and i actually kno a lady who had the baby turnd...she was super sore from it for a few days and went into labor actually right after...she pushed and pushed with no luck...they ended up doin c section anyways! So on top of her c section pain....she was also bruised up from the version. I'd say...if you are not very adamant about a vaginal delivery...go C section. I am. I think my lil girl inside will appriciate it.


  9. You still have time.  My son was breech at 34 weeks.  What worked was doing squats to encourage to move head down, getting on all fours to give him room to turn, and walking like crazy.  To make a long story short, my son kept moving a lot up until the last minute and when he was finally head down again for the 2nd time, I was induced before he had a chance to move back up.  Good luck!    

  10. they did that with my cousin and she said it was very painful--her baby flipped back around after all of that hard work and she still had to have a c-section. and, it can be somewhat dangerous and cause the baby's heartrate to decel. i had a c-section due to an emergency, but whatever to get the baby delivered the quickest and safest way!!!

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