
Breeding Bearded dragons?

by  |  earlier

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I have a male beardie and is very tame and loves to be handled. He is around 2 years old. I would like to breed him and what i want to know is when i get the female well i dont have a seperate viv for her, only a small one for the babies. Can the female live with the male for the rest of her life? Will they keep breeding? Thank You





  1. I don't mean to be condescending, but I really don't recommend breeding your beardie. What will you do with all the babies? Do you think you will be able to look after them all otherwise? There are loads of unwanted beardies in animal care homes and shelters because people think it will be fun to breed them, and then can;t handle all the babies and can't find suitable homes for them.

    hope i swayed your descision ;)


  2. No you can not keep them together. The female will get hurt and be overbreed. The mating process is a little violent and it looks like he is attacking her. He bites her neck and doing it to much to often is bad for them. But if you would like to breed them here is a good website that goes through it step by step with pics.

    If you want to breed it's definitly good looking into.

  3. yes it will be ok and yes theyll keep breeding

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