
Breeding Budgies through the winter?

by Guest45061  |  earlier

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hi my budgies are in a shed outside and i'm wanting to breed them but how can i do it through winter.

Please know Q about dont breed them you dont know enough??

I;m in a club so people can help me

But can you please answer this question?




  1. I think they still can breed. You have to make it warm and make sure there is sunlight.

    Make the whole surroundings feel like Spring.

  2. my 2 cockatiels are currently on eggs (been 10 days now, so it will be a couple weeks before i know if they hatch sucessfully)

    i also have a neighbour whose budgies are on eggs in an avairy. They seem to be incubating them well. (i am in australia so it is winter here.)

    i am sure they could breed but whether the chicks will last through the cold i don't know. i was told to make sure there were lots of easy food supplies for the parents, when they were feeding the chicks.. like multigrain bread.. Whether that is usefull i don't know.

    how enclosed in the cage (from cold wind) and make sure the boxs are small and fully enclosed (except the opening) so it keeps the heat in, and i put a layer of sawdust in the box to help keep the heat in.. you could just put some boxes in and try... and if they don't suceed take out the boxes and wait until it warms up a little.

  3. keep them in warm n moist,thats all u can try!

  4. I have 8 hens on eggs and 2 with young chicks at the moment...The cooler nights haven't deterred them at all. Mine are in an outdoor aviary and I put up those clear patio blinds in winter as a wind break but it still allows the heat of the sun in and helps to retain heat.

    Be sure in the colder months you don't allow your hens more than 2 clutches back to back (they shouldn't anyway, but some breeders allow 3 back to back) as they do tend to loose body condition in winter and the added work to keep their chicks warm and fed in the cold is really taxing on them.

    You can really only let your birds set their own pace. While some of mine happily lay throughout winter some go off the lay altogether and that's fine. If they are not interested in breeding leave them be until it warms up again.

    I'm in QLD so *cold* isn't the issue it can be else where....depends where you are as to if your birds will keep breeding. If it gets too cold the birds do know best, and won't breed because of the high risk or mortality to their chicks.

    Don't force nature....there is a reason why spring and Autumn have been their breeding seasons for thousands of years.

  5. yes they breed through winter just make sure to check up on them and their food and water

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