
Breeding My Mississippi Map Turtle?

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hi I think i have male Mississippi Map turtle because his tail is really thick and his nails are long. And he's about 3 inches maybe. I want to know what age he will be ready to breed he's about maybe 10 months now. And what supplies will I need I've heard i'll probably need wet sand and a heat bulb. And I have a 10 gallon tank that I could put the eggs in if they need to go in there. He's in a 40 gallon tank with an above tank basking dock and a 100 gallon tank is being shipped. Could you tell me all the supplies I'll need if my turtle does Breed. Thanks. =]




  1. Oikos is absolutely correct.

    Red-Eared sliders will be mature enough for breeding at about 5 years of age, this is when the female shell size is about 15 cms (about 6 inches).

    You have heard about how the male caress the females face with his long nails and does a dance..Mating tank Use a 30 gallon tank.  Keep the water warm but shallow 4 or 5 inches cause  during the mating the male might get so excited  that he might forget that the female has to go out for breathing!  Keep the female separate from the male, so that she will not be bothered so much.  You should handle her ONLY when absolutely necessary.  Keep the water very clean and give her enough space.  Heating is also very important as they will spend a lot of time basking to warm themselves and the eggs inside.  You might notice a change in the appetite of the female, she might refuse to eatbut  continue offering her food  and she may get picky.Nesting is a tank with about 4 inches of potting soil or soil/vermiculite mixture.After mating wait 80 to 90 days.

    Ya want more info email me,K.

    good luck!

  2. Ten months sounds way too young to be sexually mature. He needs to be at least a half-inch longer.

    As far as egg-laying goes, provide the female access to a box of potting soil. You can either leave the eggs in there or move them (without rotating them) to a sanitized plastic bag with moist sphagnum lining the bottom. After sealing the bag, you can leave it on top of the refrigerator for 2-3 months.

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