
Breeding Syrian hamsters?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to soon be breeding syrian hamsters and I just wanted to know some things.

1. How many cages do you need?

2. What sizes of cage should you have?

3.Do the make or female live long after birth?

4. About how many babies can a female have?

5. About how long does it take for hamsters to become sexually mature?

6. How long will it be for the female to give birth after being with the make?

7. How long will the female need to be with the male before she becomes pregnant?

8. At what age should you take the babies away from their mom?

9. Can the babies live with their father?

10. At what age do the babies start growing their fur?

11. How old does a hamster need to be before it should breed and have babies?




  1. 1. u don't need 20 cages the guy above is lying u only need  cages if ur going to keep it but u shouldn't keep it so just give to a store or shelter cause if u don't then u will have to by more food etc.

    2. I would say pick a Tank a 20 gallon Tank would be  better for the babies.

    3. No it doesn't make the mom live longer she dies faster they will get skinny and all dat wen they hit there 2 to 3 years so yea i would not breed hamster

    4. 20 babies or 9 or 8 mine only had 9

    5. 28 days old but female shouldn't be able to bred until she is between 3 to 4 months

    6. 16 days but in 10 days u will see her caring a fully pack


    7. Just let them do it one day trust me u just have to be together to watch cause if the female hamster doesn't want to then she will fight him so u have to watch mostly when there heat the female get horny only let them have s*x in 30 min she will be pregnant and u then take the hamster out of her cage.

    8. 4 weeks they can be by there self

    9.NO they can the father would think nothing but to fight him but it all depends my hamster never fought wen they were with his father mostly cause his father was the  dominant and would of never fight but still u shouldn't do it most hamster would kill the babies cause they r small or smell it and wen it grow they will fight so  no they should get different cage but brother can be together  if u do just put 2 in one cage but sometimes it doesn't work and they fight

    10.a week and half and u shouldn't touch wen they r born until 2 weeks has pass if u do the mother will kill it.

    11.3 to 4 months u keep asking the same question

    12. Any hamster would be pretty  

  2. ok i will give the answers in numbers to the question

    1. u need atleast 20 cages as they all have to go seperate unless u sell them when they are weined off

    2. big cages as big as u can get them

    3. dont get that question sos

    4. they can have upto 24 babies in 1 litter / 1st litter smaller

    5. after about 5-6 months old

    6. she will be pregnant for about 16 days

    7. put them together for about 20 mins or so makeing sure they dont fight if they do them try the next day

    8. about 4 weeks and s*x them then aswel

    9. no they will fight after about 4 weeks

    10. about about 10 days

    11. about 6 months or so i would say

  3. 1)The amount of cages depends on the size of the litter.  The babies can safely stay together until four or five weeks.  

    2)Ten gallon aquariums or bin cages are fine.

    3)As long as a hamster isn't pregnant constantly, or pregnant a lot shortly after giving birth, your hamster will be just fine

    4)A litter can be as little as 3 and as many as 20 have been reported but I would say anywhere from 5 to 12.

    5)A hamster is sexually mature after four weeks

    6)They have a short gestation period of about 15 days

    7)This is the tricky one.  A Syrian is only in heat four days out of the month.  You have to stroke her back and if she freezes up and sticks her tail in the air she is in heat.  The best time for mating is at night so when she is in heat put the male in for about a half hour.  Any longer than that and they will fight.  It might be a good idea to have them both in container with some bedding.  Don't put the male in the female's cage. She might attack him.

    8)You can take the babies out at four weeks

    9)No, never put babies with the male hamster.  He will attack them.  Syrians are best left alone as they are solitary by nature

    10)The pups should have fur at two weeks

    11)Female hamsters should NOT have pups until they are at least three months old.  They are sexually mature at four weeks but it is better for the female's health to wait three months.

    12)That all depends on the types of colors you like.  

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