
Breeding bettas...?

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I am going to breed super delta/delta should i get a sibling pair or should i get a seperate male and female. Also is it better to order from the US or somewhere like Thailand. I see alot of bettas come from there. THANKS!

Also what colors can i mix to get nice colors?




  1. A non sibling pair!

    Their could be birth defects if the go together!

  2. The reason why thailand has better bettas has nothing to do with U.S betta breeders. In thailand bettas are raised in cement tubs, they feed off mosquito larva,no money involved.

    A sibling pair from a reputable breeder is all you need, sibling pairs will reproduce a higher % of what it is that you are trying to achieve.

    A tip of coloration: If you want a pure line stick with one color, but if you mix royal blue with steel blue=All royal blue

    Royal blue + royal blue= Green, steel blue, and some royal blues..

    The variations are endless however maintaing finnage is hard enough!!!!!

  3. Actually, in fish, the rate of birth defects goes down if it IS a sibling pair. If you want more exotic and colorful bettas, order from Thailand. However, this is expensive, and I often order from instead, it's a good website. You should also read bettatalk's section on breeding bettas: (on the left-hand side of the webpage you will see four tabs, read all four of them thoroughly so you're prepared to breed bettas.) Remember to order a microworm culture before your bettas even spawn, as it can take weeks to come in, (and baby brine shrimp are often too big for betta fry to eat.)

    Good luck!

    p.s. any colors are fine. What I tend to do is to select the best of a specific kind I want (e.g. I select the best female crowntail and male crowntail, and after their fry mature I select the best out of those, that is called selective breeding.) Just remember that black-colored females are often infertile.
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