
Breeding birds? help? cockateils............?

by  |  earlier

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i have 2 hand raised cockateils indoors.. the male ablut 4 years old the female 1 1/2 years old.

up until now they could never figure out how to mate.

but last week they worked it out, they have been mating 1-3 times a day for the last week.

today she has started screeching (never been a screecher) i have put a nesting box in the cage, but since it is winter, i just don't know what to do? or what they are doing?

is there a time between the act and the eggs, is there an age she has to be? i just don't know..

the screeching is driving me crazy...




  1. it sounds like you are doing everything correctly and yes she is old enough...I can't figure out why she is screeching, maybe she feels the pressure of egg being formed? Just watch her carefully and make sure that she doesn't get egg-bound and if you handle her be VERY careful, you don't want to break egg inside her

    I hope it's just a first-time mother thing

    good luck

  2. The screeching is just a normal thing for mating cockatiels.

    You can't really tell the time between the act and the time when eggs will form since the mating session could or could not be sucessful.

    Just bear with the screeching.

    but just to add on though...If your female tiel' is low onto the cage floor or nest box and it seems like it is "constipated" then you should rush it to a vet. It could be egg-bound. D:

    Heh. I know how you feel my tiel' kept on squeking during those sessions. @_@

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