
Breeding hamster soon, should I do this?

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I have a female syrian hamster and I do not have an idea of how old she could be because I got her at the same size. I want her to have babies, but then I am worried about her health, and also do not know if this is a good idea, because this will be the first time I do this. I am planning on mating her with my other male syrian hamster who is pretty healthy.




  1. This is proablly not a good idea since i wanted to breed my hamster but people told me i shouldnt since its such hard work, its extreamly hard work if you want to keep the babies becoz after they are 3 months old they need to be kept in separet cages if you want to give away the babies you need to find all of them good homes (wich is sometimes trciky) but if you stil want to here bs a good site:

    You should also check out my site (it has nothing to do with breeding) but it has a million fun thigs even contest ask things and alot more! heres the link:


  2. the breeding and birthing process is exciting and not at all hard work. but first, can you s*x hamsters accurately? what are you going to do with the babies?

    to couple the hamsters, introduce them by holding one in each hand. they will probably squeak, and make other noises. once you put them in the same cage together dont be alarmed if one bullies the other. unless one is literally chases the other one and it trually is in terror, leave them alone. the male should breed within seconds of putting them together, but leave them alone for a day. they will mate off and on. after 24 hours remove the hamsters and place them in their original separate cages.

    now I have never bred syrian hamsters (I bred russian dwarfs) so I dont know their gestation period, but it should be around 3 - 4 weeks Im thinking. look on wiki.

    leave her alone once she has them, and ONLY disturb her nest and move them around if you have to. people here who have NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE are going to tell you not to touch the babies, as the mother will eat them if thy carry your scent. this is not true. however, if she has more then 5 or 6 dont be shocked if she does eat some, as there arent enough nipples for them to survive. dont try to save them, let her do all the work.

    once their eyes have opened you need to be very consistant with handling them, so they get familiar with human touch, sounds, smells, the like. at 3 months, s*x and seperate them. or if you planned on selling/giving them away, 3 months is the age.

  3. well u should totally breed ur hammie because the babies are so cute plus it wont affect her health and also a hamster can have babies at anytime so i would suggest breeding her because its a wonderful experience and you can give the babies to a few of your friends

    hope i helped:):)

    -cole's girl-

  4. No. What are you going to do with a dozen babies?

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