
Breeding in a 10gallon tank?

by  |  earlier

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OKAY. So i think im going to buy some Breeding Grass, and stick a pair of breedin fish (guppies, platys, mollies, or a small type of cichilid) in a community tank. It's a 10 gallon tank and right now all that is in it is a picoustamous (cant spell that). He's about 3, maybe 3 1/2 inches long, and really laid back. He doesn't pick on ANY fish. He previously lived with my 6 male guppies and a long fin zebra danio (they all died of a BADDDD case of ick but Stripes the sucker fish lived) And that was in a smaller 5 gallon tank when he was a baby. Any suggestions or tips? What can be put in with my breeding pair?? (list of species/breeds please.)




  1. guppies or balloon mollies,they breed and have babies really fast

  2. Small tip.

    Looks like you've got some live bearers there you're trying to breed.  When the fry (young) come out they look like food to the others.  That's why you have help hide the little ones.  Understandably, they can get a little nervous.

    Back many years ago we used to fill the tank, with 4-5 levels of marbles.  The little ones could dive down to escape being a meal.  Works great for breeding egg layers too.

    I don't even know if they sell marbles any more...perhaps there's an equivalent.

  3. Livebearers are best with 2-3 female for every male. I have platys, mollies, guppies, and swordtails and they are all producing fry every week ( i have 8 tanks and I`m in the process of cycling another). If you want your fry to live, make sure you have the breeding grass and plenty of plants and hiding places for the fry. I would also becareful of your pleco, my friends pleco would eat her fry at night.  If this happens to you, you might want to move him to a different tank.

  4. Well I hope in the future your planning on getting a 30 gallon tank because he's gonna grow to more than a foot long but if he is small right now this should be a temporary home but they are very peaceful with livebearers(platies, guppies, mollies) but mollies and guppies give birth to many babies so I suggest you get some platies since they have fewer babies than guppies and mollies but get only 4 platies(1 male

    and 3 females) since you have that plecostomas.

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