
Breeding question....about cockatiels?

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How long after breeding is it okay to let my cockatiels go through another cycle of breeding.

Note the last breeding cycle only lasted for a month, as the eggs laid were infertile.

After about 32 days the female laid another egg, I waited 6 more days, checked the egg, it was infertile.

Thankfuly I had another cockatiel in another cage, that doesn't let the female or male enter the nest box so she has now stopped laying egs. (The only reason they started laying egss was because i removed the other male )

Thanks for the help




  1. First thing how old are your birds?

    They need to be at least 18,months to start successful breeding.!

    A good diet is essential,Greens such as Broccoli,Kale, Spinach and if you live in the U.K.Dandelion Leaves and Seeding Heads just before they burst.

    Soaked seed is another good conditioner .Soak some Budgie mix,Sunflower,Black/White,a little Hemp and a little Groats,in warm water over-night in warm water,drain rinse place some-where warm till it sprouts(2-3 days) and start to feed it prior to breeding and through the rearing of young.

    Make sure they have a good supply of Cuttlebone and a Mineral block.

    Normally it takes from 21-24 days from the last egg laid to hatching,any longer than 28 the eggs are duff.

    As I said if you live in the U.K.Then this the wrong time of year as they will normally begin to molt this will "Pull" the birds down because of the stress of Moulting.(the best time is February till early June.then late October till December.)

    Give the parents at least 6 weeks after the young have left the nest and feeding them selves before you let them breed again 3,4 max. nests through the time scale above gives the best results.

    This is when I let mine breed and I bred Cockatiels for over 20+ years.

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