
Brett Favre should of stayed retired, instead of making all this comotion!

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If he wanted to continue playing in Green Bay he should of never retired in the first place and not start all this comotion! This reminds me of Sammy Sosa with the Cubs, they both had something good going and in the end they left in a bad term!




  1. Favre did not make all this commotion, ESPN  made all the commotion, Farve can still play and the Jets finally have a real QB

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  3. I think that we don't know the entire story, so it is hard to say.  Some are saying the Packers forced him to retire.  So who knows.

  4. yeah i agree why the heck would you retire if you still wanted to play

    why not just holdout of your contract and just decide before training camp

  5. Agreed - but what exactly was your question?

  6. should of stayed retired im a packer fan that worshiped favre but in the

    big games he chokes i wish he would of retired a packer instead of turning this whole thing ugly i hope he has a great year with the jets

    so the pack can get a higher draft pick if he makes it to the super bowl we get a 1st round pick so i hope the jets make the super bowl against the pack and he throws the game winning pick and we get a win-win in this trade

  7. You got that right he's nothing but SELFISH! He had something good he shouldn't have let that go!

  8. I think Brett needed to retire.  He had a great of the best ever.  The time he chose to retire was somewhat questionable though.  It seemed a little defeatist to me because he had a bad game and part of it was probably pressure from the higher ups.  But I wonder...did he have a bad game because it was just one of those days or did he have a bad game because his body just can't do what the brain tells it anymore?  My main thing is that he didn't feel he left the game with a big bang.  People were saying that he lost that game for them and I'm sure it doesn't sit very well with him so he wants to come back and show us all that he still has it.  I just hope it doesn't bite him in the butt.  Personally, I think he is sorta making a fool of himself.

  9. :( Favre is old and grey and needs to be retired now. He deserves some rest on his piles of money.

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