Brian McCann confesses his role behind Atlanta Braves' slump - MLB News
After all the theories articulated about the Braves’ thumping collapse, Brian McCann comes to the fore confessing the terrible performance his team had and enduring the entire blame himself. Disillusioned about the painful last season, he acknowledges his
role in the team’s slump and painstakingly admits he is at the lowest ebb of his career.
Gradual fall from the near perfect position as a hitter and catcher began at the start of last season when, h**l-bent to prove a point, McCann played the matches despite lingering the aftershocks of oblique injury. That’s what eventually resulted into dismal
show and affected the whole team in the process.
Understandably a player crowned as one of the best all-rounders in the team and who has contributed immensely to the team’s successes in the past can see the kind of consciousness he is pre-occupied by these days. No wonder he was prepared to accept graciously
when he reached Disney property and answered the questions rather comfortably. Even in the face of statement of Tim Hudson, a pitcher in the Braves, believing the whole team was responsible, McCann was assertive saying “I truly felt if I played up to my standards,
the Cardinals don’t get in the postseason.”
Among the reasons he accepted was the diversion in precision of hitting the ball, an art he mastered and exhibited so incredibly throughout his career. Disheartened by the low .180 hitting, a massive drop from the enviable .286 career hitting, he can look
back at the influence his father had on him and how he identified his hitting and catching prowess at the very beginning of his career. While he is enduring the toughest time of his career, he can accelerate his preparations for the upcoming season in order
to make for the last season poor show.
What estranged him most was consistency and for a player like McCann losing this meant more than just a normal fall in the performance. His team-mates term him as a “concerned player”, the ultimate slide to the lowest position was the result of self-generated
prophecy he concocted in his mind about his performance.