
Brian McCann’s surgery may keep him out from Spring Training and 2013 season starting line-up-MLB

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Brian McCann’s surgery may keep him out from Spring Training and 2013 season starting line-up-MLB
Atlanta Braves’ catcher Brian McCann will go through surgery as he admits its indispensability. He was down and out throughout the second half of the regular season.
Not only his production suffered after a problem in his shoulder was reported, he was unable to play regularly. Due to this, Braves’ manager Fredi Gonzalez had to bring David Ross as replacement.
He was not selected in the Wild Card game line-up against the St. Louis Cardinals and instead Ross was preferred. Gonzalez took this decision even knowing that McCann is a big match player and can anytime turn things around.
As far as his surgery is concerned, the possibility of it could not be ruled out even when the issue in his shoulder surfaced in the first place.
The matches that he played with frayed muscle might not be possible for him if he had not received Cortisone shot in the shoulder.
Due to his desire to keep appearing in the matches, he had injections administered in the body so that he could not miss out on important games.
Right now McCann will be hoping that surgery is conducted smoothly and he returns to playing as soon as Spring Training starts. However as McCann has hinted he will take four to five months at least for complete recovery.
At this time, nothing can be said with certainty. It may also be the case that McCann remains absent from the starting 2013 season line-up.
Unlike McCann, Braves’ General Manager Frank Wren is unsure whether surgery is required or not.
“I think we first have to determine if surgery is necessary—that hasn’t been determined yet,” Wren said. “I think there will be some testing to determine if surgery is necessary … From what we know, it would not be a surgical repair. But during the season
we can’t do the MRI with injection because you’re down too long. So once he has the MRI and we know totally and get the medical report—but from what we know now, the prescribed treatment is rest.”
Wren believes that the most appropriate treatment of McCann is resting him.
As the days progress, for how long McCann stays out from the next season can be determined more precisely.



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