
Bridal party etiquette?

by Guest65141  |  earlier

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I have more guy friends than girl friends so would it be weird or deviant if i didn't have bridesmaids in my wedding?




  1. I think you should do whatever you please. It's your wedding!

  2. It would be diff. But diff. is good, alot of weddings now are trying alot of new things, because alot of people are sick of the old fashioned kinda of weddings. The other day I saw a girl whos wedding dress was bright pink and her bridesmaids dresses were white. So I say go for it, and be diff!

  3. its your wedding so you need to dow hat you want!  No point in asking girls you dont feel all that close to!  

  4. It would be honest and authentic. Your attendants are supposed to be your close friends who are willing to stand up for you and support you in your life-changing choice to marry. If those close friends are gentlemen, so be it.

    But, if you have a fancy wedding dress, you might want at least one girlfriend to help you with things like doing it up, straightening your crinoline, and helping you go to the bathroom during the reception. Just a practical consideration ...

  5. have ur guy friends be the "bridesmaids" and if ur fiance has alot of friends that are girls he could have them be "best womans?" or mix it up have both girl and guy in your bridal party

  6. You do not have to have anyone stand up with you for your wedding if you don't want to!

    Or you could have bridesmen.  Basically guys that stand up with you on your side.

  7. You can have manmaids, I've seen it on a show before, I think it's cute.  

  8. Not weird at all.I'm only having a MOH and a bridesmaid and I'm sure people will be talking,but hey,its our wedding day.I dont give a c**p what they think.Since when did everyone have to have a big bridal party,right.Congrats

  9. I have contemplated having my bridal party consist of males.  Most of my friends are guys and have very few girl friends. Or at least ones that are close enough to engage them in the wedding.  It won't be weird to not have bridesmaids at all.  "Its your wedding. You can plan as you want to" (imagine the tune "Its my party and I'll cry if I want to...")  Do what you want. Its the big day that you'll be remembering. Most people who attend won't remember 5 years from now if you had bridesmaids or not. Or how many you had. Or if they were girls or guys. They'll just remember you and your future husband.

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