
Bridal shower: is it ok for a guest to bring another guest?

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i am hosting my sister's bridal shower. she is having only one, so the guest list includes coworkers, friends, and family. she only has 2 coworkers. one of them rsvp'd via email and said she was 'bringing [her] sister, if that's ok with [me].'

this isn't a sit down shower, but my sister, the bride, doesn't really know the extra guest in question. she isn't invited to the wedding and that just makes it awkward... my sister is non-confrontational. she wouldn't go and say no... who wants to? but from my perspective, this is a shower for the bride with those she knows. food isn't an issue, she's just one more person. but the etiquette of it is bothering me. my sister didn't even want to invite some of the groomsmen's gf's because she doesn't hang out with them. how should i respond to this person?

i just wish some people would get that the invitation is addressed to one person, not guest +1 or anything like that. >sigh<




  1. No.

  2. she probably wants to bring her sister to make herself more comfortable at the party... so she can talk to someone she knows in case there are alot of people she doesn&#039;t know.

    i would say... MORE THE MERRIER!!

    Good Luck!!

  3. Normally it is poor etiquette to bring along someone who wasn&#039;t invited... And it certainly would be unacceptable to do this at the wedding for example.

    However, the shower is a little more casual &amp; I agree she probably wants to bring her sister as maybe (as many people do in places on their own) she is shy &amp; uncomfortable to come alone... but she would still like to come.

    Had she have not asked &amp; just showed up with another guest - that would be totally rude - but the fact that she has asked - is polite.

    I guess it depends how good of a friend she is - as to whether you really want her there or not.. If she&#039;s a good friend - then your sister should probably be happy to meet her sister...

    I think it all comes down to what makes you &amp; your family comfortable... I completely understand that you may not want a stranger thrown in the mix.. Do whatever YOU feel is right.

    I&#039;m a strong believer in &quot;please yourself - not everyone else.&quot;

    ~Blessed Be~

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