
Bride's duty during bridal shower games?

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What does the bride do during some of the games she is not supposed to 'see'?

ie: tp game




  1. During my bridal shower, my sister planned quite a few games I wasn't supposed to see, at least for the first part of the game.  

    She did one where each woman was supposed to find an odd object from her purse.  Later, all the odd objects were put in a big bag, and I had to guess whose was whose.  (One girl had an fresh avocado; another had hemorrhoid wipes.)  For another game, each guest had to come up with possible answers for several trivia questions about me and my groom.  Later, I got to pick the correct answer from among their choices.

    Luckily, the house where she hosted the party had both a living room and a family room.  I was alternately sent to one room and then the other so I could chat with half the guests while the other half were making preparations for the games.

    It's okay to have a few games like this, but make sure the bride can participate in most of the shower -- either by playing the games or by watching her guests play funny games.  The bride will want to interact with her guests, and it's awkward to be sent away for TOO long.

  2. Go to the kitchen and feed your face LOL

  3. One of her bridesmaids should hang out with her. After all, the bride shouldn't be stuck by herself in another room with no one to talk to!

  4. The bride can just watch. Whoever is throwing the shower, most likely the MOH, probably will not be partcipating in a lot of the games, so the bride and MOH can talk - maybe go over a few wedding things. But at most of the showers I have been to the bride has just sat back and watched the games - or partcipated in some of them.

    No worries - I am sure she can keep herself entertained for a few minutes.   =)

  5. Um, try not to fall asleep from boredom?  That's what I'll be doing if anyone throws me a shower with games.

  6. I walked around and talked and joked with everyone during that game.  The twist with my shower was that they actually brought in the groomsmen, my dad and my husband and dressed THEM up as the brides.  They were good sports and everyone had a fabulous time.

  7. What ever happened to getting together, having some food and drink, catching up with everyone you don't get to see all the time while wishing the "bride to be" happiness in her new life?

    My daughter's shower is in a few weeks.

    No games...just some  good conversation, a meal, and Sangria!!

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