
Brides, what did you think of your wedding pictures?

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Did any brides think that some of their wedding photo's came out looking horrible? My friend just got her wedding photo's back. She said that she liked some of them, but there were other shots of her where she looked hideous - did anyone else feel that way or were disappointed by their wedding pictures?




  1. There are always going to be a few pictures you dont think you look great in but thats why you get proofs so that you only pay for the ones you want to order. I loved all of mine after they were edited or re-touched whatever you want to call it.

  2. I loved the majority of mine, but of course there were some that were bad, with closed eyes or goofy faces. So i just didn't get the bad ones in my album. My photographer took a TON of pictures, so had lots to choose from, and I have to say, that there were more good ones than bad ones!

  3. We loved our photos.  They came out way better than we expected.  The photographer always got us with smiles and photogenic expressions.  Friends and family took digital photos, and many of those got us in unflattering poses, but the professional ones were really great.  I couldn't be more pleased.

  4. I loved most of them.  Some of them I could have done without, or she had done one in B&W however I would have liked it in color, etc.

    I liked all of mine.

  5. I was totally pleased. I'm not the most 'photogenic', but our photographer was awesome!

  6. I did not have professional ones done as we were on such a tight budget and we wanted to make sure we had plenty of good food and refreshments for our guests so we spent our money there.  My brother in law took some great pictures and I loved those ones, yes there were some terrible ones, but that is to be expected, nothing is ever perfect.

  7. i am absolutely in love with my pictures.  i got 3,000 pictures and there is only a hand full that i'm like holy c**p gross lol.  but i love the unposed pictures.  they got some of my bridesmaids sitting at the head table laughing and those are my favorite pictures out of all of my pictures.  i'm sure your friends pictures are amazing =)

  8. I was really happy with most of my wedding pictures - although there were a few pictures that I was thinking to myself, "Why in the world did they take that shot?" But, my photographer took over 4,000 photo's - so I had a lot to choose from.

    I'm the type of person who usually doesn't like any of the pictures people take of me, so I was surprised and happy that I liked most of my wedding pictures.

    I'm sure that your friend looks fine - maybe they were just a little bit different then what she was expecting.  

  9. I liked most, but some were definitely hideous!  The photographer took 495 shots...and we only ordered about 10 of them, which is all we needed.  I didn't mind that some came out bad...because they are bound to.  But, I certainly wish we had more shots of certain family members.  Our photographer tended to only focus on immediate family and ignored some important people we wanted in our shots.  He wasn't very nice, was pushy and had zero patience.  No tip for him!  

  10. I was really happy with mine.  I will say, I find that my favorites are the more candid (unposed) shots.  It seems at every wedding, you HAVE to do the traditional shots like the bride & groom with his family, then with the bride's family, then with both families then just the bride & her bridesmaids etc.  I realize these seem necessary but I promise you, they won't be the favorites.  Another tip:  you have to really communicate with your photographer on what style of photos you like and be sure to pick a photographer whose work matches your style.  I like alot of black & white & romance.  That's what I got so I was happy.

  11. I really liked the majority of them. I thought he was a wonderful photographer and felt he did a great job of photographing us in the best light possible. I only disliked a few...

  12. You will never like every pic! Hopefully you can find enough to do your album though! You are your biggest critic!

  13. Some of mine I ended up taking out of the album.I hated them so much. Adn those are the one my mother ended up sending out as our after weddding announcement. LOL. But then agian I had alot of pics taken that day. And I only hated about 10 out of 500 shots taken. So i think thats not bad at all.  

  14. some I liked, some I didn't.

  15. It HAS BEEN seven weeks and still have not seen my wedding pictures.

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