
Bridesmaid on the wedding day - asked to do other bridesmaid's hair...?

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ok, so I've been a stylist for a while.. I'm standing up in a co-worker/friend's wedding along with 2 other co-worker/friends who are also stylists. The bride asked me to do her sister's hair on the wedding day. I felt this was a big compliment since she trusted me to do it. (btw, all three bridesmaids requested the day of the wedding off and there are a few bridesmaids that have made appts at our salon to get their hair done). A few weeks later she asked me to do her future sister in law's hair - I said yes but was worried about the amount of time we'd have. Then she told me she wanted me to do one of the other bm's... I was worried about time available but I said yes. We have to be ready by noon that morning. I want to be able to relax that morning, go to the salon to get my make up done with everyone else. Why does she think I can do all of it? How do I back out of doing everyone's hair? The wedding is 2 months away so they have time to make other arrangements.




  1. I wouls sit down with her and explain you plans. Let her know that you are afraid of the time frame and hash out a schedule. See if maybe she will be willing to ask someone else to the other bridesmaids.

  2. I'd have a chat with her and tell her that you've been thinking about doing the hair on the morning of the wedding and you're worried that you might be too rushed doing 3 people's hair as well as getting yourself ready before noon. Ask her what styles she had in mind- if, for example, some of them just want a simple blow-dry then it would be possible, but if all three want up-dos then tell her that you're worried that you'll be cutting it too fine for time. Tell her that you're really flattered that she's asked you and that you're very happy to do 1 or 2 people's hair but you would feel really awful if you promised to do 3 people's hair and then weren't able to actually do it on the day.

  3. Say something,  :D Tell her: be like uhm yeah about the whole do every ones friggin hair in the wedding deal..well, i kinda cant do that and get me ready

  4. maybe you should like, assert yourself.

  5. If it were me, I'd just be honest with her... I'd say that after you've thought about it all, you're just not quite sure that you'll have enough time to do all 3 styles and still have time to get yourself ready without rushing. Noon comes pretty fast the day of the wedding and especially if you're doing all updos, well you know as well as I do the time that it can take to do them.

    You said that a couple of the other BMs are stylists as well...?? Can they help at all?? Maybe you each could take one style and that way you each only have to do one other besides getting yourself ready.

    I was in a similar situation when my best friend got married 3 years ago. I had agreed to do hers and her daughter's hair (she was flower girl) but 2 1/2 weeks before the wedding I was in a car accident and broke my foot. Well, I had still said that I was going to do her (bride's) hair but that she'd have to do her daughter's hair herself, which was no big deal to her, thankfully (cuz she braided her daughter's hair all the time, and she just had wanted a simple french braid) So I just told her, that now since I had to get myself ready with a broken foot, that it was going to take me longer to get myself dressed and stuff, and she was ok with it...

    I would tell her ASAP... like you said, it's 2 months away still... that's plenty of time to make other arrangements, if needed. Just tell her that you said yes too hastily and in the spirit of trying to be a good helpful bridesmaid, but now that you've thought it through, you've realized that it may be too much of a handful by yourself... if she's your friend (and it sounds like she's a stylist as well, correct?) she will understand where you are coming from.

    Good luck! :)

  6. Laura  Lo gave you the best possible answer...very diplomatic...go with it...I cannot say anything better.

    Good Luck!

  7. Bring it to her attention that she  is not being fair to you and that with all the appts she has pushed on you will be only be late to the wedding. Or too tired to attend. Tell either you style their hair the day before and maybe one the day of wedding.

    If she can't find a way to get their hair done, then she is only thinking of herself and doesn't care about anyone else.

  8. Stand up and admit that you can't take on all this responsibility. Agree to do what you can, tell them that you won't promise to do more than you can.

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