
Bridesmaids & Groomsmen line up in wedding?

by Guest64399  |  earlier

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Is it true that the bridesmaids and groomsmen are supposed to be in height order when they stand at the alter? My problem is that I am pairing certain groomsmen up with certain bridesmaids (like husband and wives, etc) So do I just put the bridesmaids in height order and then match their groomsmen up with them which would mean that the groomsmen are not in height order??




  1. No, you don't have whatever you want it your wedding! The way your doing it sound smart! Congrats

  2. Don't worry about height order or "supposed to." I think perhaps in the past, bridesmaids were put up in height order after the MOH so no one got offended about their order. Assuming that is in fact an old fashioned idea, you should simply have the couples in the procession in whatever order your heart desires.

    I've never heard of that, and I was never a bridesmaid, but being 6'1" I would have felt terrible always being in prime position simply for my height.

    ETA: I am now happy I had only a MOH and one bridesmaid. Having to line up my girlfriends in order of importance would have given me sleepless nights.  Plus, what does that say to the ones at the end? I think if you are going to line them up that way, definitely don't admit that's the way you did it.

    I think that is rude, to tell someone they are fifth out of five in importance.

  3. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and marriage.  

    It is YOUR wedding!  You do what YOU want to do.  While some people do line them up according to height, it is simply a visual element.  It may look nice, but it certainly isn't necessary.

    I'm not an expert, but I've never heard of any hard and fast rule that they must be lined up according to height.

  4. Good morning!

    People use all kinds of ways to line up the bridal party.  Some people pair them up and line them according to height.  Others pair them and line them up according to the closeness or relationship to the bride.  And still others pair them by their own relationships (e.g. married, know each other, related, etc) and then just line them up.  There's no hard and fast rule for this, so it's whatever way works for you.

  5. It's silly to do it in height order. They should be done in importance to you and your groom. And you don't have to put husbands and wives together either.

  6. No! You don’t actually have to uphold to any traditions, least of all anything to do with height! You should order your groomsmen and bridesmaids in any way that you desire.

  7. i dont think it matters... its a personal choice... jst go ahead n do wat u feel like...  

  8. you can do whatever you want...that is the greatest thing about your wedding...its YOUR wedding so whatever makes you happy do. I am putting them so the ones closet to me will stand closest to me at the alter...GOOD LUCK!!

  9. I don't think that height matters...its more important for the couples to be together, or friends, or whoever would be comfortable walking together.  The pictures can always be rearranged to look proportionate, but I don't really think its that important.  :)

  10. I do not think it is necessary to line your bridesmaids and groomsmen up in height order when on the alter.  However, you photographer may rearrange them in group photos for symmetry.

  11. Best wishes to you on your wedding! I'm getting married September 6, 2008 myself! My director told me that the bridal party should be lined up according to the importance to you for your bridesmaid and importance to the groom for the groomsmen. So of course the Maid or Matron of Honor would be standing closest to you and the least import bridesmaid the furthest from you. Same on the grooms side for the groomsmen, Best Man stands closest to him and least import groomsmen furthest from him. Thankfully mine is done by importance to me for my bridesmaids and they match height wise as well. If you are getting married somewhere that there are steps on either side you could always have them standing on the steps to help with the height look. But even if they aren't in order by height that's's your wedding day so do what you see fit! I hope your day is a beautiful one!

  12. No, that is not necessary. Put them in whatever order your choose. Absolutely no one in the congregation will care.

  13. I have never heard of that. The best man is closest to the groom and likewise for the maid of honor. They may be the shortest or the tallest, but that is the way it is. The others usualy go in order of importance to the groom/bride. Or who is closer as friends or family. But the others can go in order of height to make it more symmetrical.

    Sounds like you might be a bit OCD on the height thing. Put them in order of importance and let the chips fall where they may.  

  14. I just got married and I didn't care about height order. I matched people up with who I thought would get along, and husbands & wives. Its your wedding, do what you want!!


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