
Bridle path question?

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I want a clipper, I'm looking online right now for one, but I need to save up my money to get one. for the mean time can I use scissors to cut my horse a bridle path? I know the appropraite length for the bridle path. just wondering FOR PEOPLE ONLY WHO KNOW IF IT WILL WORK will scissors gave overall the same look? I dont mind if it is a bit different though.

Thanks oodles!




  1. IT doesn't look as professional, but it accomplishes the same overall goal.

  2. Yupp it does just as good as clippers

    I use siccors all the time on my horses.

  3. Scissors will not get the bridle path trimmed as close or as evenly as clippers.  They can be used to "rough out" the bridlepath to get the bulk of the hair off, but nothing gets it done as well as clippers.  For shows, I even touch up the bridlepath with a razor to get a really close shave.

  4. I use a scissors like this one:

    It takes about 5 minutes and it looks like its been clipped....

  5. yes, scissors will work, I have used them before on my horse. Just make sure your horse is calm and patient with you. good luck

  6. Sure you can use scissors.  I have two horses that you are getting near them if you have clippers.  I use scissors on them with satisfactory results.  You can't get as close as with clippers but after I'm done it looks as if it was clipped with clippers 2 weeks ago.  Good enough for me.

  7. Yeah, I use scissors to cut my horses bridle paths' all the time. Don't worry, the halter or bridle usually covers it up the whole way, anyway.

  8. Hello, I use scissors as my hrose wont let clippers touch him. Here's a few tips:

    Cut the hair to be a little longer than it should be.  It can be uneven for now. Then, Little sections at a time, cut it down to the right length. Then you can go through with a razor for women's legs to get the excess hairs you might have missed. It works really good. You wont get as close of a shave as with clippers ,but  i have fooled a few judges with this and have been complimented on it by them.

  9. I used scissors as a *temporary* solution to a horse who didn't like clippers one time. It leaves the bridle path looking a little choppy though. Is it functional? Yes. Does it look as nice as a clipped bridle path? No.

  10. Pretty much it just won't be as clean cut.

  11. Yes - you can do it with scissors as long as you have a horse that is not going to leap about. You can do a really good job with them as long as you don't try to do it all at once.

    It's not really worth getting the clippers out to do a bridle path.

  12. The scissors will work just fine. It's a little more tedious and it won't look as clean as with clippers, but it will due just fine. Just take your time and don't rush it. I did before and it came out all jagged. It's because I wasn't really taking my time. Good thing I wasn't showing that horse!

  13. It is a bit different, but it works in a jam.

  14. I always cut my horses bridle path with scissors. He get a a lil flighty when I use clippers. It gives the same look just keep cutin down till you get it the length that you want (without cutting your horse) It will look the same. Mine always does. So just do what you want. = )

                             Good Luck = )

  15. Scissors are fine.  Back in the land before everyone could get clippers,  Scissors are what we all used.. just take your time and it can be as neat as clipers, though perhaps not as close if you want that shaved to the skin look.   Besides unless your roaching, showing a saddle bred or something else.. the bridle path isnt alot wider then the bridle. So its covered
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