
Bridle sizes?

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im looking at bridles online and i know that its not safe blah blah blah... but it had different sizes and i dont know what they stand for.. please help!! theres; f/s and c/s and o/s...




  1. the sizes mean:

    f/s: Full size

    c/s: Cob size

    p/s: Pony size

    i'm not sure about the o/s. i've never heard or seen it before.

  2. f/s is full size used on normal sized horses like tb's

    c/s is cob size mostly pony or quarter horse size

    o/s is over sized warmblood or draft x's and drafts

  3. F/S means Full Size. Usually, they fit most average sized horses.

    C/S means Cob Size. Usually, these bridles are meant for small headed horses or large ponies.

    O/S means Over Sized. These bridles are meant for draft horses.

    More than likely, you are going to want a F/S bridle. Unless you own a pony. In which case, it will need a C/S or P/S (pony sized) bridle.

  4. Full size, cob size and over size are what those abbreviations mean.
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