
Briefly, In A Couple Of Paragraphs, Please Explain How Solar Power Works???

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Coherently, please explain in a few paragraphs how does solar power work: How is the energy concocted, how is it then supplied to industries and how do solar power organisations make their money. Thanks




  1. Check out this website:

  2. You should be specific about the type of solar cell you want described. Solar power in the UK is not supplying industry in any significant way - not enough sun!! However, there are systems in other countries that are harnessing the reflected heat from the sun to heat water that in-turn will drive a turbine to generate electricity but most systems are in their infancy and I doubt economically viable for large scale generation.  Spain is a leader in this field but then they have plenty of sun.

  3. Why don't you just "Google" it - I just did and there's VOLUMES about it ! ! !

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