
Briefly give a Psychoanalysis of my uncle for me? You don't have to be a PHD, just a person with an opinion?

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He is 48, and he has shot meth since he was 16. He smokes pot all day long, he likes pain pills, and sleeping pills. He likes to make a lot of petty drug deals, and he constantly rips off everyone around him. He will befriend someone, and then once he has "played" them for a while, he will do something hurtful to disrespect them. Then he will distance himself from that person for a while, calling them every name behind their back, and calling the police on them.

He has always lived at my Grandma's house, he was mistreated by my Grandfather until his early teens. Then he was the "man of the house". He has since acted a little like my grandpa and forced my grandma to do whatever he says.

Also, he never works. And he has stay (mostly) out of long term prison. I believe this is because he has been an informant with the police to expose big time drug dealers in the past.

I have distanced myself from all of that side of my family. He recently befriended his oldest brother who is dying of pancreatis cancer. He took all of his pills before he went into the nursing home, and then he cleaned out his banking account. Now he refuses to talk to my dying uncle. He is also "playing" my 17 year old cousin, and tr




  1. I would be very surprised if even a professional could psychoanalyze a junkie.  Your Uncle is a long term junkie....he displays all the typical symptoms and life styles of one.  You are wise to keep your distance..painful as that may be.

  2. try to talk him into rehab in tell him how it is hurting you in the other in tell him you don't want him to die

  3. Your uncle has not grown up or matured. His parents enabled him by allowing him to live at home with no direction or discipline, he never learned to be responsible or accountable for himself or his own behavior.  He has no self respect for himself or others. His drug addiction is his escape from reality, desperate and criminal.  He should have had intervention years ago, at 48 he will have to be controlled because he has no clue that his behavior is disturbing and destructive to himself and others.

    How very sad that this person was not taught right from wrong and did not have the direction from his parents to help him mature, to care for himself with integrity. Now society will suffer the consequences and be forced to do what his parents failed to do. Because he is an adult male he is now responsible and accountable for his own behavior regardless of his parents pampering and neglect.

    The testimony of your post is a profile of parental neglect, that when you neglect to give direction to your children, "their failures are your punishment and your children suffer the consequences of your neglect".  It is much easier to correct bad behavior while children are young. Love with disciplines build character and offers children a chance to know the difference between indignity and integrity.  Your uncle knows neither.

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