
Bright Light seen in Sky DURING day light hours

by Guest67079  |  earlier

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I live in Wisconsin. On August 5th at approx. 8:35 pm I watched a very bright, solid white light, at a speed between a plane and satellite, at a very high altitude, moving from West to East, go from overhead to about 30 degrees on the horizon. I watched it with 10x50 binos. No sound, no debris, no nav lights. As it approached the 30 degrees off the horizon, it turned red and faded. It is still day light here at 8:30 and the light was bright enough to catch my peripheral vision. It was brighter than a large aircraft's landing lights on final approach...but it was going away from me and very high. Anyone else see it in this area?




  1. That was the Internatinal Space Station.  It passed over here in Idaho at 9:02pm.  It was brighter last night than it was on Saturday night.  

    It has no exterior lights of it's own.  What you saw was reflected sunshine from the solar pannels and other metalic surfaces.  That is why it went red just before it entered the shadow of the earth and went dark.  It was cool, wasnt it?  

    This site will tell you when it is about to pass over you by sending you e-mail alerts.  They ask for donations but it is still free.      

  2. UFO

  3. It was the starship enterprise searching for time wave as they go by.....what did Mr. Spock find in the toilet?....The captain's log.

  4. Well it could have been a comet, some space debris, or an iridium flare, that is when solar pannels or other shinny object on a sattelite reflect the sun's light.

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