
Bright white light like a camera flash me &my boyfriend see it, no other lights on what could it be?

by Guest33377  |  earlier

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me & my boyfriend have both seen a bright flash of white light, similar to a camera flash in the morning when we wake up, it comes from the ceiling usually there is no light bulbs or anything near where we see it, and i have seen the bright flash once when we weren't at his house, but i was with him , and this time it was night when i saw it at night rather than the morning. what could this be?




  1. I've experienced this as well in different scenario's. 1st I remember watching T.V. and a very thin line of white light stretched across the screen and on to the wall about 5 feet on each side almost instantly. REGARDLESS to what anyone says from the lack of understanding. I am very clear on the FULL science behind said topic and know what I saw was solid and very different from anything I have ever seen. I've investigated the factors yet they don't apply completely. 2nd I remember looking out of the window during the night. Suddenly everything turns white almost instantly yet everything was the same as it was before the occurrence. If anything moved and reflected light from 200 ft away I doubt highly that it would of created such an effect nor was it blinding in any way so reflection isn't applicable. Some people I know with great credibility have told me such an experience is said to be the partial glimpse of a GOOD spirit or soul due to the third eye attempting to break through the ether to respond to it's communication with you. Much like a microscope focuses and magnifies a large objects molecular composition which would otherwise be unknown to the naked eye. Several other literal sources support these theories as well. Something beyond all of us exists and our brains could be the micro or macro scopes to see whatever it is. My question is how does one consciously focus or just plainly see "it" for longer than half a second.

  2. I'd start looking for hidden cameras.


  3. I tell is a ghost or spirit.

    I have seen them , and seen when they take off, they are very very fast. Usually there's a flash or spark, or like a bolt of lighting. I seen them leave slowly as well some float in cloud form.

  4. Simple: During the day it would be sunlight reflection from an outside source such as a passing car or the like and at night it would just be headlights.

    Sorry, things are boring and mundane in the real world.

  5. The most likely explanations: 1.) The source of the light is elsewhere and only appears to have come from the ceiling.  2.) You just woke up and hallucinated it.  3.) You are having issues with your vision.

    Or, you know, the entire fabric of the material universe is being ripped apart right in your bedroom.

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