
Bring back files from recycling bin

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i have a program called uneraser. I accidently deleted some files, after i emptied the recycling bin. The thing is, even when I use it, there are too many files that come up. I have picked the folder and everything, and did my own options but it still won't bring up what i want. I had a game called NiktoutRO that i deleted all the files in the recycling bin and then emptied. How can I bring it back?

Thank You




  1. You don't need a program for that. System Restore works just fine, and is available on Windows XP and Vista. Go Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools>System Restore.

    You select back to a date when the files were on the computer and the computer will restore exactly to how it was at that time, which means you can retrieve old files.

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