
Bring back national service , would stop all crimes being committed?

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Bring back national service , would stop all crimes being committed?




  1. the answer is NO just remember the Crays were a product of National Service  

  2. Nothing will stop ALL crimes being committed.

    Prison serves as a deterrent (to some) and gives society a break from offenders while they are locked up. It rarely reforms.

    As an alternative to prison National Service would instill discipline, pride in ones self and a create a sense of being part of society instead of a selfish individual. This would reduce repeat offending by a large percentage of recidivists.

    Prison is fine for murderers and rapists who need to be locked up long term to protect the majority of society but it does not reform lesser offenders, time has shown that. Give National Service a chance, what have we got to lose?

  3. I don't think for one moment that National Service would stop all crime.

    For those totally opposed to the idea I'll give you a very, very true story.

    I knew a teenager who was a total pain in the @rse, his parents were regular visitors to the local nick and the education board. He joined HM Forces, he is now a 28 year old corporal, leads his own section, has passed the SAS selection course, completed 5 tours in Iraq and Aghanistan and is a brave young man to be proud of. That man is my son!!

    Is he a one off - no way. Most of those he serves with tell a similar story of their teenage years. But they found a goal in life with a sense of purpose.

    My father was WW2 RM Commando conscript as were most of those he fought beside. They managed to win the war despite being conscripted.

    As far as I am concerned, with the state this country's in, doing something positive about the problem is better than the nothing we have at present.

    The left wing, tree hugging liberals have had their go at solving  the problem. The time for hard line, positive action, is long overdue. Whether people like it or not.

  4. By encouraging our youth to go and kill people in other countries instead???

  5. So before 1960, when it was scrapped, there were no prisons or anything?

  6. it probably wont stop all crimes but it would make these bloody hoodies & teenage yobs think twice about being complete a$$holes :-)

  7. I think the concept of a national service that is mandatory of everyone who turns 18 is a great idea.  I doesn't have to just mean military, but could encompass a wide variety of public service situations.

    Your precept of national service stopping all crime however shows an unbelievable naivete.

  8. No these people will simply go to places like Iraq and Afghanistan and commit their crimes there in the name of the UK.

    Plus i don't think it's fair on the troops who rely on these people to watch their backs when they are clearly half wits :)

  9. Other means could be alternate currency made by citizens.

    Designs through computer photo shop then   through computer graphics . Civic ATMS . Eliminates Armed Robbery. Next  Human Hunting Parties in which specfic humans who wish to kill eachother are given licenses and sent into a forest to hunt each other.

    This ends prisons. Trials and supervision to see specific people not wrongfully hunted.

  10. Is it a crime to make a statement rether than ask a question on here? because if it is you are guilty!

    It wouldnt stop all crime - in the 50's when we did have national service we didn't at any time have a crime rate of 0%

  11. People and government must cooperate to quell the occurence of crimes.  Stopping criminals is a common effort of all to succeed.



  13. Sure, let's turn EVERYBODY into mindless clones of each other!

    Magic-bullet schemes just don't work.  

    Never Have.

    Never will.

  14. Only if part of the National Service is hitting the streets and beating the c**p out of punks.

  15. No , but you start at an early age by bringing up children to know the difference between right and wrong.Acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.Easy isn,t it ?. Well not in the ammoral  hotch potch of a society we live in today.

  16. I cant even tell if that is a question or a statement.  

    But either way, nothing will stop all crimes from being committed.

    People will always drive drunk

    People will always use drugs

    The people living in poverty will always steal

    The rich will always cheat the system

    And violence cant always be predicted


  17. It would certainly help.

    Obviously it would eliminate yob culture at a stroke since they wouldnt be around to commit any crime.

    The army would instill discipline and responsibility into them aswell as forging trained reserve soldiers for the future.

    Not least,enforced national service would root out those who have no allegiance to our country.The millions of immigrants who claim to support our country when they collect their welfare cheques would now think twice about coming here in the first place.

    It works very well in other countries and worked well in our country in the past.

    The BNP is the only political party to offer this policy.Unfortunately,none of the mainstream parties have the backbone to make radical decisions or risk "offending" immigrants.

    National service has my vote.

  18. National Service never stopped crime being committed when we did have it, so bringing it back would probably affect the crime figures very little. We also have a very different way of collating crime figures now as well, so it would be very difficult to compare like for like back to the 50's when National Service was stopped.

    What many people believe National Service did for people (only men at the time) was instill discipline and a sense of team-working, but even then, there were always those who did not conform to the system.

    I am not a great believer in teaching people how to kill our fellow human beings as the best way of life.

  19. In a nutshell no.  Crime has never been at 0% and never will be.

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