
Bringing a gun accross the border?

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Is it illegal to transport a 12 gauge shotgun accross the canadian border? I live in New york state, I am driving to vancouver and I want to bring my shotgun. I want to have it because I camp alone in the woods in big game country (protection not hunting) and also I wanted to shoot out on my parents land in Montana. I plan on driving through canada to Montana then back up to canada to vancouver. Is it going to be a problem if I have my shotgun locked away in the back of my truck If I got stopped at the border?




  1. h**l yea I suggest you dont bring one lol you will get caught and be BUSTED well you could bring it but I knew someone that got a life time in prison so i suggest you dont but if you be a little sneaky and you think that you are a good liar and a good hider well go for it ps really you could but im not forcing you!!

  2. It should be not problem with the proper paperwork.  

    Bring a trigger lock or lock for the case for when you have to leave it unattended.  Even though it is not required by law you should throw it on while it's in the vehicle because some police officers don't know the law.

    And give BC fish and wildlife a call and find out if you need any hunting licence or somthing to cary a gun for bear/couger defence.  The laws are diferent in every province.

    Another thing you should know.   The legal difference between a terroist or murderer and a gun owner with a clean record in Canada is that Terroists and murderers have more civil rights.  If the police even think you have done something illegal or something they think is illegal it can be a very long messy process.

    These guys are good too

  3. If I recall correctly, certain rifles and shotguns are allowed as long as they are declared at the border. I know handguns are not.  I was a cop when I visited Canada and I wasn't allowed to take my firearm over the border with me.  They were such sticklers about it they even searched my car when they saw my badge and ID to make sure I didn't have a pistol with me.  I have attached a link to info that should help.

  4. It is illegal to bring the shotgun into Canada without a proper firearm transportation permit from the Canadian government, and there are very specific rules about transporting firearms that must be followed.

    Since you want the gun for use in Montana, my suggestion is to leave it at your parents when you go on the trip. Just drive from New York to Montana by way of Illinois, leave the gun there, go the rest of the way to Vancouver without the gun, and then use it when you come back.

    Or when you get to Seattle, find a place that offers gun storage, leave it there, go to Vancouver, then pick it up on the way back down.

    If you insist on trying to bring it here, check out the website below for the legal ways to bring it in. If you try the "illegal" way by not declaring it at the border, be prepared for the consequences of arrest in a foreign country if they discover it.

  5. Keep your freakin American gun in America.

  6. bigA is right. Don't bother driving through Ontario unless you're dying to see it at least once. The US roads are much better and faster.

  7. please don't bring guns across the border.

  8. h**l yeah!!!!

  9. Protection against what or whom?

    No No No  Not the best idea you've ever had.

    When in Rome, do as the Romans. When in Canada, do as Canadians and we do not carry guns for protection and having one, even if you DO manage to get a permit, will not be appreciated.

  10. Check with customs about the gun...but don't drive through Canada to Montana. This would put you on the #1 highway (Trans-Canada) and it's not the safest highway, especially in western Ontario. It's very narrow and windy with a lot of truckers. If the conditions are good, then it's not too bad. But if they're bad, it's a mess to drive. I live in Manitoba and a lot of the people here drive through the States if they're driving to Toronto or something. The highways are nicer and a lot safer. Once you get on the #1 in Manitoba out to BC, it's pretty safe. Just really boring until you get to Calgary.

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