
Bringing accuracy through introducing a pause at the top of the backswing

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Bringing accuracy through introducing a pause at the top of the backswing
Regardless of how good a golfer is, no one in the world can judge a perfect angle of the swing when the club is at the top of their head. Everyone feels doubtful whether the club will hit the ball with a perfect angle or not.
If it does, the ball gains the right distance along with the right direction. Otherwise, one has to get prepared for a difficult shot coming their way because of the wrong placement of the ball.
The question arises as to why this usually happens that some of the best players in the world play some wayward tee shots?
The answer is very simple. Usually, it happens that the golfers rely on the backswing when it comes to estimating the line of the swing.
However, when the swing is made, the angle sometimes changes slightly. The mistake turns bigger when the club comes in contact with the ball with a wrong angle.
However, there is a technique that is being used by many golfers in order to better access how far off the swing is aiming – pause at the top.
Players tend to pause for a momentum while making a return of the club from the back of the head. It provides the players some time to make the required adjustments to the downswing plane and line.
Players who make longer backswings, they need extra time to adjust before the downswing starts.
Therefore, a player can take some professional lessons or practice rigorously in order to get the exact idea on how much time one needs to pause before a downswing.
Normally, it seems that it is just a physical adjustment or an exercise. However, people who have a fair amount of experience in the field name it in different ways.
A well timed swing, slow from the top and good rhythm are among the alternate names given to this small exercise.
Therefore, most of the players prefer making a small pause rather than bringing some technical change in order to get perfect timing, tempo and rhythm in their swing.
There are several ways of calculating the accurate pause required for a player to make a perfect shot. One of the renowned methods is counting one-two-and-three.
During this, ‘one-two’ represents the period a player takes while swinging the club backwards. Here ‘and’ represents the pause and ‘three’ is counted for the downswing.
By and large, one can easily bring huge improvements in their accuracy by introducing a slight pause at the top of the backswing.
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