
Bringing illegal drugs to college?

by Guest61636  |  earlier

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Hey. I'm going to college soon and I was just wondering what the chances are of getting caught bringing weed to school? Is there anyway for the school to find out if you keep weed in your room. Do they search rooms or anything like that. Thanks. I'm going to Rutgers if that matters.

Oh and also if you know a good place for me to get a bowl in central jersey let me know.




  1. Don't bring them when you move in, people are all suspicious and youll probably get caught, wait a week then you should have no problem.

    If your living in dorms remember they probably CAN enter your room without a warrent, read you contract terms.

    At Michigan State they have brought drug dogs to the dorms to sniff the hallways and point out dorms with suspected stuff, they get searched.

    Basically your best bet is to hide it outside or just with a off campus friend.

  2. First I have to ask, why?

    College is demanding. Why fog up your mind with stuff like weed? You'll need every brain cell.

    No, they don't search rooms. It's an invasion of privacy. They need a search warrant to do that.

    If you need to smoke though, do it off campus and to a certain limit.

    Please get off the green.

  3. If they DO find you with drugs, kiss your education and money goodbye.

    Is it worth the risk?

  4. Dont do it.

    Weed's stupid.

  5. Trust me - you'll be fine.

    Smoke away.

  6. Don't be a pothead, and if they will find them no matter how hard you try to hide them and you'll be kicked out and never find another college to go to.

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