
Bringing the team up?

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how can I help my vball team to stay positive while we are losing and making stupid mistakes?




  1. encourage them, tell them to focus and concentrate, make serves over, snap wrists, tell them how to improve whenever they mess up.

  2. the best possible thing that you can do is just encourage your teammates. The last thing you want to do is yell at them. Just try to have a lot of energy also. try doing little cheers that can make your teammates laugh. if somebody messes up just try to make them smile and let everyone know to just forget about that particular play and think on the next one.

  3. This is one of the biggest problems I've had playing volleyball as well.  It's hard to play positive when you're losing, especially to a team you should beat.  The best way is for you to personally stay positive.  Not in that annoying way and try to stay away from sounding desperate or from whining.(cooommmmmeee onnnn guysss)  Emotions are contagious, if you're positive throughout the game, other people will pick it up.  Unfortunately, it goes both ways...if someone is in a bad mood, everyone will pick it up.  As for stressing the volleyball is just for fun and winning doesn't matter, of course it does..and of course your team will make mistakes.  It's how volleyball is played.  The secret to winning is to be the team who makes the LEAST mistakes.  Don't let the little things bring you down, its rally scoring; if you don't get over the last point, you probably wont win the next one.  Another thing that you might want to look at doing is setting goals (yeah sounds corny, I know) but if you do it and just have everyone write down goals to specific things and add in there that you want to stay positive.  You can make it annonymus if you're shy or if you have shy girls.  Then you can get that out there without sounding like you want to run the team.  Finally, I'm not sure how old your team is and how long you've been playing as a team, but I really reccommend going to team camps and bonding over the summer.  It makes it easier to forgive each other for little mistakes and be able to talk about stuff like being negative.  Hope that helps.  Good luck!

  4. The best time to tell them is during a practice. Tell your team, that the best way to learn, is through mistakes. There's not one volleyball team that is perfect. Have a practice game amongst the players on your team and watch what they're doing wrong. That way if your ever losing, let them know what they need to practice on. I play volleyball every year. And every season, almost everyday, I practice at home. That way game day comes, I'll be full of energy and ready to win. That's only if losing is the problem. Just try to keep the best positive attitude.

  5. Stress that playing v-ball is about having fun! Losing or winning does not really matter if you are having fun! Learn to laugh at your mistakes, but also work to fix it so that they never happen again! Practice makes perfect!!!

  6. take a break at the time u loose more than 2 straight points. donot start coaching then & there. u should have done that earlier. change players having an off day. 5 twists or 5 jumps by all or such pre decided actions to make team focus again without actually telling them they are not playing well.   also spend more time on this aspect during practices working out on all such possible loosing situations, so that the responses are pre decided and can be acted upon at the earliest.
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