
Bristol Palin is a s**t?

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Think about it. 17 years old and she's pregnant. And where's the birth control?




  1. o.k lol

  2. It doesnt matter if she was or wasn't on birth control you can get pregnant either way. And unless she has no clue who the father is she is not a s**t. Yes she might be young but it happens more and more these days. Religious or not she is doing the right thing by keeping the baby and taking on the responsibilities of her actions.

  3. 1/3 of girls are pregnant before the age 20. Get over it and stop acting like you dont know someone who was pregnant at a young age.

  4. better she have it then abortion and there are frickin 13 year olds that are pregnant.. its the persons choice goodness leave them alone! sure its stupid at that young of an age but how ever they end up i guess they deserve it

  5. "It's a boy!! Due Sept 27th!!: If you actually read, you would know that Bristol Palin is pregnant."

    COOL! That's my birthday! And by the way, who the flip cares? It's her own personal life, we don't need to know everything about her choices.  

  6. she made a mistake, but she is keeping the baby, she knows she has to live with it for at least another 18 years, she is giving up being a kid so she doesn't have to kill one.

    i wouldn't call that a s**t, i would call that a girl making a mistake and then trying to fix it.

    and she is still with the father and plan on marrying him, its not like she was going around having s*x with everyone.

    plus just because she is a politician's daughter doesn't mean she not a teenage girl who loves her boyfriend and was too scared to ask for birth control.

  7. I'd say that any girl who gets knocked up, intentionally or not, at 17 in a developed country today IS a s**t. I don't care what actions are taken afterward to try to responsibly handle the situation. Bottom line: 17-year-olds shouldn't be having s*x. They're not even adults themselves yet.

    Bristol's pregnancy just corroborates Sarah Palin's image as a backwards backwoods breeder (not only does she have 5 kids, but she wants to take away other sexually active adults' freedom to choose whether they want to be breeders, even if a rapist makes that decision for them).

  8. If her mother wasn't a nominee for VP then you and everybody else woudn't give a s*** so leave her alone! I'm sure your not the most perfect person to walk this earth. she human her mothers human who cares!

    AND I'm voting for Obama!

  9. Why?...because she had s*x with her boyfriend?.....seems pretty normal to me....

  10. s***s don't marry the father and live happily ever after.

  11. what the h**l is wrong with u? u raised in a box? who cares if shes 17 and pregnant, it doesnt mean shes a s**t.  theres alot of 17 and 18 year olds who are pregnant and not s***s.  

  12. I'm just jealous because no girl that cute would ever sleep with me.

  13. Okay, people, think about it...granted, there are a lot of young tweens on here, but for those of you who are older...I'm sure in this day and age nearly every one of us got "the talk" from one of our parents.  When you were 17 with raging hormones, did you stop and go, "oh, wait, my mom gave me this realllllly strict s*x talk so we should stop." He*l no! Our parents gave us the knowledge and God gave us free will. Bristol Palin followed her own path. She's under fire because her mom is now world-famous. Her mom is under fire for the same reason.  Would we even be discussing this if it were some 17 year old from a trailer park in Kentucky (or Mississippi or New York or Illinois) or the projects? No, because none of you would care. So back off. If you're old enough to drive a vehicle all hopped up on Red Bull and raging teenage hormones then you have to take responsibility for your own actions.  

  14. obviously you care so much about it that you waste your time talking about it! who cares what they do to their lives it does not affect you in any way, i doubt they will be on here reading this so of you really want them to know how you feel write directly to them!

    thats not true,  are you  a reflection of your father!

  15. She's hot, what can you expect.

  16. Some one should ask your parents that question. Don't judge, you ain't as perfect as you may think you are.

  17. LOL so much for Mommy's abstinance-only s*x education campaign.... cause it's just soooooo effective.

  18. I think this question is more of a rant ! PLUS further more you might as well call ALL 17 yr olds that get pregnant " s***s " . NOT A GOOD CHOICE OF WORDS ! You are NOT going to win this post !

  19. Seriously, i think it's extremely S****y at that age.  

  20. I don't think that she is a s**t at all. I think that she is a young girl whose mother is far too busy worrying about her own career to give her some direction and guidance when she needed it the most.

  21. Abstinence-only s*x ed really, really works! Except when it doesn't. Which is most of the time.

  22. Omg how mean. Seriously... I'm not condoning it, but she made a mistake. Now, instead of taking the easy way out, she's doing the right thing by having her baby. She's also going above and beyond to provide it with a real family, a mom and a dad who love it. Imagine how hard it would be to have literally the entire nation gossiping about you and calling you a s**t. How many girls do you know of who have made the same mistake? Show some compassion. Yes, she messed up. But at least she's trying to make it right now. Be nice.

  23. That's what comes from and "abstinence only" household.

  24. i had my first at 17 and im not a s**t a b***h maybe but no s**t

  25. what does this have to do with pregnancy?


  26. Alaska is cold?!?! Body heat?!?1

  27. LOL

  28. Atleast she doesn't murder babies.

    Just exactly how many girls at 17 do you know that's a virgin?

  29. If a girl happens to get pregnant out of wedlock she is not by any means a s**t. Perhaps she is a young lady so very much in Love that she doesn't know what to do about it.

    Give her time though, she'll learn that little boys like you never really grow up; that you'll remain an a*****e...oh' id say....a good part of your life. more thing....this topic isn't about  The's about Young Love since the beginning of time. Catchy subject line but really you do not friigen know them.

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