
Britain's low paid left out in the cold?

by  |  earlier

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im self employed and on a low income

we get tax credits but as i have had to put my prices up to try to compensate for all my household bills my tax credits will go down as in theory i will be earning more

but i wont be any better off

its also getting harder to find the work

we are stuck in this whole sorry mess thats britain today

Those with more money can cope for now the rest off us are just left at the gutter

i cant keep increasing my prices as i will end up with no work at all

so once again gorden has stitched up the low paid big time

the tax allowance limits need to be changed as they do not reflect the income needed to support a family anymore

are you experianceing the same?




  1. I did not vote him and his predecessor (Blur the millionaire) in.

    The sooner he realises that he can't preach to us about not throwing away food while and his wife gorge themselves in Japan the better.When will he get an electric car?

  2. Yes, but to be honest, i think every ones feeling the pinch at the moment. I hope things get better for you, but in todays financial climate, i think we will out in the cold for a while yet.

  3. There are no Politiners feeling the pinch, or sitting with-

    out the fire on.  Remember it was the "working man's government" that put us in this position.  A pensioner!

  4. I promise you the crazy inflation and high house prices is affecting the mid-earnings bracket pretty badly as well! And being self-employed is a choice. There are a lot of better paid jobs out there if you are willing to put in the training/studying and follow it by long hours in a job you can't stand. Working for yourself is a luxury of choice if you look at it from the other shoe.

    And be thankful you already have a family, i'm sure there is many putting it off for years longer than they want because they just can't afford it.

    On the plus the new personal allowance should kick in, in September which will mean as long as you earn at least £6,035 you will be £120 a year better off through a reduction in income tax.

  5. Well you could always get a job.  If your business is not successful (and clearly not if you are geting tax credits) then its time to start workig for someone else.

  6. i totally agree with you,its ok for gordon brown he's always going to have a roof over his and head and food in his belly. the fact is in the old days you could buy or rent a house really cheap,there werent so many bills  and most people were happy and content nowadays there is NO cheap way of living.

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