
Britain and France?

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As a British person with a strong French heritage, and desire to live and marry in France, I wosh to know how Britain is portrayed within the French media? Thanks (Merci!)




  1. Well we hold no special grudge against the Brithish. How do the media see you ? Well they were quite obset that London won the 2012 Olympic Games, but as we won the 6 nations tournaments and beat the English ( our old foe ) everything is fine.

  2. It depends on the newspaper: some have nothing against the Brits, some do. But actually they don't speak so much about the UK... media prefer criticizing the Americans (unfortunately in my opinion)

    Otherwise, the British are welcome in France, providing they try to speak a bit french, just the basics, and show interest on French culture and way of life. You'll get a warm welcome if you make this effort and as many french can speak english they'll be pleased to help you or just have a conversation. Just be open-minded by considering that french and brits are different in some ways, but we've also plenty things in common!

  3. They wouldn't exist without us (saved their @rses twice last century!) yet they burn our sheep and eat our Shetland ponies.

    Ungrateful swine (in a pseudo French accent)

  4. Being a mixture of both, I feel that I am well suited to answer to this question. Having lived in both countries and regularly making the trip between both.

    I'm sorry to say that I disagree with the answer left above, saying that France would have managed without Britain during the WWII.

    I feel the need to aopologise to you for that. It is not true and this person is being ignorant.

    The beaches of Normandie are still covered with the white crosses of the British soldiers who fell to liberate the French people. Seeing them would make a hard man cry.

    My paternal French grandfather was involved with the French Maquis from 1940 (and not just when the outcome was obvious, as certain did) and would not have been able to get intelligence of certain going ons, without the involvement of British spies and pilots. The Brits offered the French political refugees shelter and gave them support. They got bombed as much as the French did. Some parts of London do not exist anymore. And for those who still are walking in ignorance, some part of England did get occupied by the n**i troops. That's one point I needed to make.

    Now, to answer your question, I would say that I never got from the English or the French any racists comments, side looks, or any EVER bad mouth just because I was one and the other.

    Even during the last 6 Nations where I was wearing either the Coq or the Rose, depending on who was playing. I am equally proud and I do not feel mixed up either. I support them both the same.

    Many English people live in France nowadays. French people got to learn a lot more about them. The Napoleon wars are over and done with.

    If there was to have any negative about the English, I would certainly say that it is on the political ground that the French disagree. The English are seen as the American's pets. But then, the French do realise  that it is down to Blair. Not the whole Nation; just as much as whatever Chirac's government is doing does not always reflect on who and what the French are (if you have a look on the Americans Q&A on the french,  their misconception of the French is hilarious!) France would have appreciated the support of the English on taking on the Euro. However, the latters were afraid to put the country under economical strain at the time. I think that was not well perceived by the French.

    Anyway, just to let you know that during my last visits at my father's in Toulouse, I saw many men of all size and ages walking around in their 3 lions shirts. And they were French for what I could hear. Which made me chuckle.

    Talking of football, I think the friendship that binds both Nations together was plain to see during France-Portugal (world cup 2006), when they ended up giving Ronaldo a taste of his own medicine. Pushing the button to even wink after making him trip. Just a gesture to support Rooney and the Brits. That really went a long way for me, being of the double nationality.
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