
Britain and americas special relationship?

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to visit britain, americans don't need a visa yet a Briton needs one to visit america. in view of our special relationship isn't it about time that the usa scrapped visa requirements for britons




  1. I think Britain should just let America get on with it to be honest. We give way to much to a country that only wants us when there is some war, that can them a bit of oil and another bit for their empire. America takes advantage of Britain because it thinks we owe them for the second world war. We've finished paying! So we owe you nothing!

    And yes, why not? For the visa question. lol Sorry i'm rambling again!

  2. No, unfortunately the British liberals allowed the country to be over run by radical muslims and the British cannot allow themselves to be used as a pipeline for terrorists as Canada was so willing to do.

    Matt, you're a sorry representative of your people.

  3. They have a Visa waiver, for 90 days.

  4. I think you need a visa to visit Britain just like you would if you wanted to go to any other country.

  5. No, the UK puts out more radical Islamic terrorists than any other country outside of a war zone.

  6. Visas are the LAST thing you should worry about in our 'special relationship' with the yanks. There never was a special relationship NEVER. Matty is right, America financially raped Great Britain and threw a cloak of economical imperialism over her which was called 'Marshall Plan'. America thinks we owe them for WW2 - i think you've had enough of our money, now we have finally paid everything off ( 2006/07) PLUS an extortionate rate of interest. Also the US didn't care if europe was overrun by n***s, they only cared about THEIR free citizens being killed. They really couldn't of given a F if we were over run, but then they remembered all that money they had loaned us, and with Pearl Harbour, that's when they finally joined the allies. Just remember America was selling guns/ammo/supplies to both sides in both world wars. They were even thinking of joining Germany in WW1. Not so 'special' now is it. Nice allies!

    Also will you stupid yanks stop going on about 'the muslim problem' in GB. We will never be overun by muslims and adopt sharia law. Your media wants you to focus on our problems so you don't pay any attention to your own problems and guess what the media's doing a fantastic job of that.

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