
Britain gets banned from saying"good morning"in offices/ <span title="workplaces.......................?">workplaces..................</span>

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Britain gets banned from saying"good morning"in offices/ workplaces.......................

according to the greater london councill if anyone says "Good morning" its insulting to minorities????????????? "Good morning"infers the afternoon (prayer time)is bad.WHATS HAPPENING HERE??????????????????/ im sick of this politicall correctness. whats your view on it??????????????????????????????????????...




  1. I&#039;ve never heard that one but if it is true then it sucks like all other PC.  One gets offended and 1,000 don&#039;t but you have to please the one.  YA will censor this but f--k the one who is offended.

  2. I have but one thing to say to that, but being a lady, I won&#039;t say it!

  3. Where have you got this from????

  4. I will continue to say &quot;Good Morning&quot; to my work colleagues who are a part of every nationality and have many different religious beliefs. Britain has not banned saying “Good Morning” I will continue to have good manners, as I haven’t heard of it before you posted this question. Political correctness is simply a guideline.

  5. This sounds like something from a satirical mock news site like  Unless you can provide a link to a legitimate news source I&#039;ll assume it&#039;s a joke.

  6. its all part of broken britain.

  7. My view is that unless you post a link, it is a figment of your imagination.

    My secondary view is that you have over used the &#039;?&#039; button somewhat.

  8. c**p.  That&#039;s an attempt to control people&#039;s normal behavior, and replace it with artificial bullsh!!--or even instill fear.  It&#039;s still total bullsh!!  I might even consider going out of my way to say &quot;good morning&quot; to one of those &quot;religious&quot; people.

  9. What a great liar you are, doing anything just to start a rift. I can&#039;t believe some people that answered this question were so ignorant and gullible to make comments without checking the source of this.

  10. dont belive ever thing u read in the ******* (f word) daily mail

  11. We will continue to greet   each other in anyway we like  minority or majority, we all like polite manners.

    This has nothing to do with political correctness.

  12. &#039;The Greater London Council&#039; was abolished by the Thatcher government of the 1980s. This is a ridiculous question, but if you&#039;re suggesting that people are so bound up in their cell phones and their own little worlds, that they ignore basic courtesies like wishing work colleagues &#039;Good Morning&#039;, you&#039;re right.

  13. I remember once on the Guardian website someone said something along the lines of

    &quot;some people will do anything just to be able to say &#039;this is political correctness gone mad&#039;, even make things up. It seems to calm them down, like scream therapy&quot;

    I think that we have a case of that here. &quot;Good Morning&quot; is not being banned, it is not offensive to minorities and since when did Greater London become the whole of Britain?

    No, the worrying thing in this country is not &quot;political correctness&quot;, it is the fact that people are so desperate to condemn minority groups that they will believe anything which they can use to justify to other people (and maybe to themselves) their irrational hatred, even if it is blatant nonsense like this.

    By the way, which minorities are these supposed to be? I have never heard of any minority group who regard the afternoon as prayer time, nor who take &quot;good morning&quot; to mean &quot;bad afternoon&quot;. Now, go away and in future try to exercise some critical faculties.

  14. Even by to days standards this is moronic

  15. link please

  16. Say &quot;bad morning &quot; instead.

  17. political correctness gone mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    nothing better than greeting work colleagues with a cheery &quot;good morning&quot;

  18. They are copying yahoo it seems say good morning are goodnight on here and you get a violation notice for not been a question are answer.

  19. lets have a riot.

  20. It is only insulting to the minorities that pray in the afternoon then, which traditionally would be muslim.

    Well just have to say &#039;Hi&#039; oh no thats insulting to any ex addicts in the office

    What about &#039;Hello&#039; nope the christians willl answer Heaveno

    Cheers? Nope, the ex alcoholics will be traumatised.

    How are you? Hope theres no native Americans around.

    **** well just have to keep quiet

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