
Britain has become a lawless and nasty society in the last 15 years?

by  |  earlier

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im glad you all agree because i have noticed the same it has become a lawless society I do not believe the tory government or labour government can solve this one to be honest as a socialist the scale of nastiness in britain is out of control




  1. Yes I agree, its also a place where on many occasions I don,t feel in a safe environment, the lunatics are everywhere especially the ones using bad language.

  2. yes because the liberals are in charge

  3. I wonder if we would have an improvement if all the most recent immigrants of past 15 years return to their native country.

  4. I am an ex soldier but whilst proud of being that I am not proud any more to say I am British.  I now live in France and in many ways it is like the UK 50 years ago. The problem with the UK, to many people, too many with severely conflicting attitudes, too much silly pressure from government, (excessive secondary taxation (cars) petty laws, ). When we come to the UK now we can feel the tension, the antagonism, the nastiness.

      I feel like a rat at times, you know leaving a sinking ship and all that. We now are starting to find the nastier English here as well, you know the type that to create somebody agro, tell lies to say the DSS.

  5. True ! But ask yourself why ? It has a lot to do with the punishment not fitting the crime. A just legal system is necessary to bring lawlessness under control.Because we are a civilised society ,we have become to soft with criminals .They are not scared of the law.We also live in a suing society, this means if someone is wrongly (or rightly )accused they can claim compensation.There is lack of policing on the streets as well. We have Police Support Officers but they are not allowed to arrest anyone.Plus its against health and safety.People can get away with more these days .The Innocent are not protected from the wrong doings of others.


  7. No.

    Don't think so

    Decode this lyrics " You are not alone".

    Just blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past in our youth with self lack of knowledge.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  8. I think you need to spend some time in some right fucked up shitholes in this world & then come back & ask the same question.Have you ever seen a news report let alone set foot more than 10 miles from your doorstep

  9. Some one needs to inform the Queen!

  10. bertjones... you're going in favour of this question being a positive answer: "yes". Look at what you've just said. That's idiotic and stupid. I think you need to take a good look at yourself and think before you speak in future.

  11. yes it has my neighbour will not pay me for the damage his dog did to my car , i am going to put his windows through on the way back home from the pub

  12. i think thats a polite way of putting it but yes i agree

  13. it is fucked up

    criminals get more rights than victims

    murderers get a couple of years

    police cant be do anything because it will be racist feminist and so on

    respect is gone and it seams as every one is for there self

    justice is never done you want justice you have to take it in to you own hands. say some one robs your house and you catch them red handed and kick there head in you get done and they get let of and the robbery bit dont count  you just go to jail

    there is to much hating

  14. Yes, so has the US and a few others.

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