
Britain or America whos the best?

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Britain or America whos the best?




  1. well. i will soon be finding out. i'm moving to england in 5 months and will be able to give a better answer

    but... in the meantime...

    to me, all of the states are almost like different countries. there are different accents and different cuisine and landscapes, and culture. in america there is so much variety, and i love that.

    i moved to las vegas from new york and they are two completely different worlds. in hawai'i there's even a different language. i think america is better in that respect. and yeah we started mc donalds (which i refuse to go to) but it's all over the world, if people in england really didn't eat it, then they would have closed their locations there. just listing the bad and tacky things about america doesn't erase the good.

    and we have history also here. native americans, remember them?

    all that being said (and i could go on forever) i really do like britain also, i am soooo happy to be able to live there for awhile. i like the food, the weather doesn't bother me too much, and i like the accents there much better than a southeren accent.

  2. I am an American, and it is very difficult to live in this country! I am not sure about life in Brittan but I do know one thing. I know over there I would not have to go to bed at night worrying about what if i got cancer or so sick I needed medicine to live but how could I ever afford it.

  3. in terms of education: America

    in terms of manner: Britain

    your question, please check.. don't get offended... your reaction would determine if you are an English or you are an American

  4. Neither.

    "America, because we didn't try to take over the world by colonising every land we could by force."

    ROTFLMAO. You do it now, dear... open your eyes and see the reality.

  5. The question should be "who is better?" Your English, wherever you are from, reflects poorly upon that school system.

  6. Which country has had to come to the aid of the other the most?

  7. America, because we didn't try to take over the world by colonising every land we could by force. Oh, and because we beat the British!!

  8. Australia!

  9. well...America is the richest, most free, big brother nation in the world.....but i dont know....the British do have them s**y accents

  10. You must be American, as you cannot read. This section is devoted to Royalty and not making trouble with petty remarks

  11. Different strokes for different folks!

    It's all subjective.

  12. britain = quality ,usa = tackyness.

  13. Apples or oranges, which is best?

  14. britian because they made australia and australia is better than both

  15. Britain :

    Less chance of getting shot at school/work/supermarket

    Fewer God-botherers screeching and shouting

    No Bush

    2,000 years of History



    Dylan Thomas

    Jane Austen etc


    More actual freedoms under the law (Americans are only granted the liberties set out in the Constitution and its amendments, anything else is illegal.  In Britain, unless it is specified by law that you can't do something, it's legal - major difference!)

    National Health Service

    Free Prescriptions for medicines


    Elvis Presley


    Mickey Mouse



    Take your pick but I know which I prefer!  LOL

  16. I guess the English will say English and the Americans will say American, besides, aren't there good and bad of both?

  17. Rule,Brittania!

    God Save the Queen!

  18. America if you want any thing done.

  19. All of these answers bring to mind the Cole Porter lyrics,

    "I say tomayto, you say tomahto. . . "!  

    If the truth be known, we are you--and you are us--admittedly, an ocean away.  The United States owes its existence to the United Kingdom, borrowing wholesale much of its written constitution  and the ideas for the Declaration of Independence from English practice and Scottish and English philosophers, and the UK is indebted for the help the US furnished it in World War I and II.

    And yes, the previous poster is right.  I've lived in different states, and the life style in different parts of the US is often completely different.

  20. America because it so much bigger.

  21. i think they both have there pros and cons.

  22. At what?

  23. I think British history is so much cooler (& there's a lot more to it!), but I prefer to live here in the States.

  24. Who is best really depends on your outlook, so it's a toss up.

    best of luck to you!

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