
Britain seems to welcome Africa immigrants, or maybe I am wrong?

by Guest11117  |  earlier

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Maybe it’s just my colleague, he moved from Nigeria to UK a year or so ago, he hasn’t got a UK (university) degree, and his English is just ok, just a few months ago, he managed to move his entire family to the UK, his wife(who barely speaks any English), and his 3 kids. Also another Nigeria colleague moved his wife to UK after he got a job in my company…

I thought home office was pretty strict about who’s entering the UK… well who knows, just a bit curious lol




  1. they used african  alot  to acquire thier wealth , so african deserve that privilage.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Do you know his full circumstances. He may have specialist skills. If they are working and not relying on state funds what is the problem.

    And the UK is not a soft touch. My husband who I have been with for 3 1/2 years was refused entry even though he had a guaranteed job offer in a highly specialised field so I've moved to be with him. But we will appeal.

  3. The UK is the easiest country to get in!! Come on in everyone, and if you dont have a job - we will pay for you and you family to stay here out of our hard earned taxes!!! :o(

    The UK is shocking for it..might as well get used to it, there will be more immigrants than British here soon!

  4. It is the EU that encourages Britain to "welcome" immigrants. The government is so concerned with not discriminating against other nations, that it is us, the british citizens, that end up being the minorty and taking the flak. If you are concerened about his immigrant status, why dont you report him? we do not need any more illegal immigrants in our country, we pay for enough as it is!

  5. This is Britains 'doormat' policy on immigration.  No doubt his other 3 wives will arrive soon and he will claim benefits for all of them even though bigamy is illegal for us mere British people that will pay his benefits through taxes.

  6. my dear child - we are a nation of immigrants - every single one of us!

  7. It would appear so, but i was banned for pointing out this obvious Truth. Only liberal left Shibboleths are allowed under New Labour !!

  8. Ho hum, there seems to be a few answers bordering on racism.....If he is working in a company and is illegal, whenhe is found out the company will be fined quite a hefty sum, and no self respecting company would like to black listed like that........and your company may want international workers from Nigeria especially if it is to do with oil.

  9. I think it is someyhing to do about an open door policy  for members of the Commonwealth.

    Or it could be that we have left the gate unlatched again.

  10. This New Labour Government, has stated that "international food prices are increasing" and next year the price of food

    will go even higher.

    We cannot grow enough food to feed the population now, isn't  about time we stopped all immigration into this country?

    We are an over populated now, we cannot sustain this mass input of people any more.

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