
Britains,if you had to leave britain for good what country would you migrate to?

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Britains,if you had to leave britain for good what country would you migrate to?




  1. Wherever the first plane took me! Seriously, probably Spain, maybe Australia.

  2. America, Florida to be exact, I can buy a mansion for £200K, and Iv a 3 bed semi, my kids would always be a disney, Id never get a cold and Id have my own pool. Is their any other place to go ??

  3. French Polynesia - beautiful there, buy a small hotel and chill

  4. New Zealand because they have no Nuclear Power Plants and are not considering building any.  I would also consider Italy, Austria, Denmark or Ireland for same reason.  I would maybe also consider Germany or Sweden as the are considering decommissioning.  Though I don't like living up-wind from Nuclear Power Stations even more so now since the latest problems last week in France.

  5. Australia

  6. Iceland with global warming on the way I recon it will be a nicer climate in the end and as methane hydrate will stop the sea travel, it will be safe from the mob of grockles. (hopefully only a tongue in cheek statement)

  7. I would choose 1st american . 2nd copenhagen,denmark, you can go to college there for free. and they seem to have a lot of fun.

  8. Poland, it must be empty now cos they're all here.

  9. Peru south america

  10. New Zealand or Cuba.

    Not many camel drivers in either of them.

  11. Sardinia.....beautiful place.

  12. well i tried oz and i tried spain

    and now i am here and happy again.

  13. Kosovo

  14. With out a doubt it will be the Bahamas. Just need to win that elusive lottery.

  15. Ambon, Indonesia

  16. Cyprus.

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