
British, do you have remorses for the Malvinas War???

by Guest55938  |  earlier

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Don't even a little bit for abusing of a weaker country??? Don't you think you should give back Las Malvinas to Argentina???




  1. why should they

  2. Argentina is a weak country? Dictatorship! The seizing of banks and foreign oil companies? Its the Falklands, the Spanish left a long time ago, and so went the name.

  3. Surely you jest?

  4. Yes, I am so sorry Argentina attacked us.  I'm so sorry we retaliated as any sovereign state would to take back lands which are rightfully British, and the people of that land expressly desire to remain so.

    I'm sorry this inexcusable action caused the collapse of a bloodthirsty dictatorship in Argentina, and replacing with democracy.  I'm sorry my country followed the rules by defending itself, and counterattacking unwarranted aggression by a fascist nation.

    Next time we British will have learned our lesson, and will roll over and play dead the next time some country needlessly attacks and occupies a portion of our rightful land.

  5. No because the people who live there are British and want to stay British sometimes its not about land but about people!Argentina invaded the falklands we never invaded Argentina.#Thank you and goodnight.

  6. The Falklands belonged to England and the Argentinian invasion was an illegal act.  Above all that, the Falkland Islanders wanted to remain British and in this country - in those days anyway, that was an important consideration.

    If one country illegally invades another country, it should expect a bloodied nose.

  7. None whatever.  

  8. The Falkland Islands are British sovereign territory and its inhabitants wish them to remain so.  Could you please also refer to them by their correct name.  In answer to your question No, no and yes (they are quite welcome to somewhere that does not exist).

  9. I dont think the british feel remorse particularly because i think it was measured as a victory by the damaged British imperial identity in the age of its decline. Ive seen many documentry about the Falklands/Malvinas war and I think most of the people who live their are ethnically british and should have the right to decide whichever nation they want to be in. I dont think that Argentina has any right to nation simply because of its proximity and doubt that the military dictatorship which siezed these islands had altruistic intentions at heart.

  10. From what I gather it wasn't so much the Brits seizing control of the island, as the Argentinians invading it without warning.

    Besides t'was not a war, but a conflict. War was never declared, probably as it was over within 10 weeks and there wouldn't have been enough time ;)

  11. Firstly they are called THE FALKLAND ISLANDS.

    Secondly, why should we give away something that belongs to the sovereignty when the inhabitants wishes to remain British.

  12. well, if it wasn't us who did it, then someone else would have so we got their first. baby!

  13. Do the people of Spanish origin have any remorse for invading   the lands of South and Central America, slaughtering the native peoples and occupying their land? I think not.

    When the British settled the Falkland Islands, it was unoccupied. The Argentine army invaded and the British sent a force to defend the right of the people to self determination. Something to be proud of, not remorseful about

  14. hola mi nombre es claudia,soy Argentina,mas alla de la guerra que tuvimos ,la ravia que se siente no es contra inglaterra,es con el gobierno de argentina,que saviendo que la guerra estaba perdida el presidente festejaba en la plaza de mayo un tiunfo que nunca existio.fue muy fasil tapar con una guerra un contrato.... donde murieron niños,estos muchachos tenian 18 años y nunca habian estado en una guerra.antes de enviarlos les explicaban como se manejaban las armas.esto no se olvida jamas, la guerra se perdio pero las malvinas son y seran siempre territorio ARGENTINO.el contrato se esta por venser....

  15. Oh! Good idea!

    Then we'll give back Afghanistahn and Iraq!

    Then China will give back Tibet!

    Then America will turn around a promise never to invade anyone ever again!

    If we give it back? Will the rest of the world give us our Empire back?

  16. They have never belonged to Argentina. They are British & always will be. I certainly have no remorse for a warmongering nation who invaded someone Else's land.

  17. You might have a good point.But you ask at a bad time,as your country needs to address the point of the stolen children who's parents were thrown out of aircraft and the babies given to military people.The 1000s of killed and missing people from the military regime that ran your country at the time of the invasion.First it's best for Argentina to resolve all those issues from it's past,before you tell another country who owns the falklands.

    Most British people have a love of Argentina and it's culture and even your president is beautiful,but first concentrate on getting your country strong and wealthy before you tackle international issues.Argentina in 1850 was briefly the richest country in the world

  18. I have to admit that the Falklands are a leftover from our colonial days, and we really have no business there-it's not as if they're right on our doorstep.

    However, as a Mexican I would think your energies would be better spent asking the USA if they have any remorse for stealing large parts of Mexico and calling them Utah, Texas, California etc

  19. Only for the service personnel that died or suffered appalling injuries there. The FALKLANDS, not Malvinas, are British and will stay British so maybe it's Argentina should apologise to us not the other way around.

  20. they don't want to be a pert of Argentina, you invaded it , there was a girl a few years older than me who's father died on HMS Cornwall ..... she doesn't blame the Argentina pilots , - shes in the army, and she said she would fight for them again if she had to.

  21. Ha, ha, ha.


  22. I think the Argentines have a valid claim on the islands...but invasion is not the wisest method of staking it.

  23. No to all three questions. On April 2nd, 1982, a  Argentine military force landed on the Falkland Islands and occupied them. This was a flagrant violation of international law, an illegal occupation of the Falklands by the Argentine military and the refusal of the Argentine government to remove their men sent there. This is what led to a British military response.

  24. Give it back? it was never yours in the first place.

  25. Not particularly, the original dispute over the territory was between Britain, France and Spain and I hardly think that those two countries were weak during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries considering the expanse of their own empires. Nor do I think that Argentina has been abused by Britain, you can hardly expect to invade and not face some form of reaction. Also the islands were named Falkland Islands in 1690 whereas the Malvina's is derived from the French name Îles Malouines which was given in 1764 so by my reckoning they are rightfully the Falkland Islands.

  26. You are not British or Argentinian, so keep out of it. Britain and Argentina are good friends and should not have ended up fighting each other over a little issue such as this. Leave us alone to get on with each other and put the past where it belongs!

  27. When Argentina reverts to Spanish control perhaps there might be a case for returning the Falkland Isles to their original state - uninhabited until the British landed and colonised them.

    The islands are four hundred miles from Argentina.    Using Argentine logic, why did they not invade Chile.  It's closer.

  28. The islanders don't want to be Argentinian. The people that live on the island get to decide, that's the way it should be and is.

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