
British Citizen joining Swedish Army?

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Say I could speak and write Swedish, could I join the Swedish Army? Cause I heard this, "As soon as you have a residence permit in Sweden (which by the way is very difficult to get if you're not a proven refugee) you can do your military service in the Swedish army IF (and only if) you start before your 25th birthday."

Since I am British and I have citizenship, moving to Sweden is pretty easy, so right when I move to Sweden(considering if I speak it) can I join the Swedish ARMY?




  1. No, you have to be a Swedish citizen to join the armed forces in Sweden.

  2. you might be able to because usually if you agree to serve their country

    they might let you.

  3. I think you have to be a Swedish citizen to join the army.

    I know that there was a scandal where a Swedish man was thrown out of the army when they found out that he had a French citizenship. This was 1966 and things may be different now. By the way, that man is now one of Sweden's most successful authors.

    Perhaps you can find some current information here:

  4. No.  You have to change your citizenship first.

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