
British Olympic team - have they picked all the numbers with "8" in?

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Maybe this is my imagination, but it seems like nearly all the UK athletes have an 8 somewhere in the number they wear. I was watching the cycling today (yay!) and one of them had "88", another had "80", etc. I know that 8 is a lucky number in China and given the year and the date the games started, I wondered if this was deliberate?




  1. of course its not deliberate its just chance that the number was given to them, most of us dont believe in stupid superstition like that and i think its a joke that the chinese take it so seriously, they probably cant count to 10 without having a nervous breakdown.

    was it the triathalon you were watching? because i remember the commentators saying something about it in the triathalon.

  2. probably something to do with the 8 golds we got woop!

    team GB to win!

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