
British Royalty: Is there a reason why the women wear hats?

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British Royalty: Is there a reason why the women wear hats?




  1. In England, they still dress properly for the occasion. Here in America, everything is about being comfortable even if it means showing up underdressed.

  2. In fashion terms, hats are a very noticeable accessory because the onlooker’s attention is first drawn to the face. A hat is the most noticeable fashion item anyone can wear.  The old saying goes 'if you want to get ahead and get noticed, then get a hat'.  Indeed the word 'ahead' means just that one head further forward. Running parallel to these hat making arts were feather workshops or more correctly workshops called plumassiers where feathers were dyed and made into arrangements from boas to aigrettes to tufts and sprays for both the worlds of fashion and interiors.  Plumes have always been a status symbol and sign of economic stability. Fortunes were paid by rich individuals for exotic feathered hats. Etiquette articles suggest that it would be a disgraceful act to venture out of the house without a hat or even gloves.

  3. it is supposed to represent the crown. and i don't know if is true or not but someone told that the ladies of the realm represent the queen, the reason why the ladies wears hats.

  4. It's a question of fashion. Well-dressed women do wear hats. I know I do! And I am an American who has grown weary of the slovenly habits which encompasses everything,from fashion to thought.

  5. Because unlike in our own "be comfortable at any costs" society the British monarchy live in a world where there are certain proper ways to dress and conduct ones self.  Its all about tradition, good taste and appropriate style.

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