
British Surnames?

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My name is Kevin Jones, I'm a Black man from America, and I recently found out that my precious surname which my ancestors took after slavery is of Welsh origin.

Why is it when I was travelling in Great Britain, I met many Irish, English and Scottish people with the surname Jones?




  1. Jones is one of the most popular surnames.

    Same as Smith. They're just incredibly popular- I don't know why (although Smith is probably related to blacksmiths and general manual workers- not specific to the material they work in)

    I'm a Fletcher- a very English surname (Fletchers put the feathers in the end of arrows)

    I would think Jones is more England and Welsh than Scottish or Irish (btw- Ireland is not part of the UK- Northern Ireland, on the other hand, is)


    Heh- fancy that. I just googled it and it says it's Welsh and English. Go me!

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